Biomass Biomass is a very important renewable energy source for the United States in the future. Since 2000, biomass has been the largest source of renewable energy for the United States, making up 47% of the renewable total and 4% of all energy sources. Biomass is also the only viable renewable alternative to oil as a liquid transportation fuel. Starting this year, ethanol (biomass in its fuel state)...... Similar Editorial : Benefits of Using Biomass by Barney Garcia. | Source : Interactive Science
The Biomass Program And Posibilities For The Future Researchers are working on new technology that will be able to do hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass to sugars and lignins and also the thermochemical conversion of biomass to synthesis gas for fermentation and catalysis of these platform chemicals to produce slates of biopolymers and fuels. To expand the role of biomass in America's future, the DOE Office of the Biomass Program fosters biomass...... Similar Editorial : The Future by Miami Phillips. | Source : Interactive Science
Tidal Power: Wave Of The Future? Tidal power is using the tides to extract energy to convert into electricity. The tides are the result of the gravitational force between the Earth and Moon. On a daily basis this force pulls up tons of water, thus the tides. The tides are also brought back down, allowing for tidal power to be used twice daily, which would sum to about 10 hours. Tidal power is catching this water when it is...... Similar Editorial : The Power of Ice by Louise Roach. | Source : Interactive Science
Seafloor Mapping In Solar The OCEANThe ocean is a part of the biological component of the earth in which living creatures like man depend greatly on its resources.. The ocean covers about three fourths of the earth land or about 71% from all of its corners. Its floor has been the favorite expedition venue of marine Biologists and other scientists to discover life beneath it. Oceanography experts are, likewise, very...... Similar Editorial : Solar Power by Joseph S Cline. | Source : Interactive Science
The Demon Lover Conflict is one of the most important elements of stories, novels and plays because it causes the action. In order to discover what the story is really about, it is important to examine thoseconflicts to find some ideas and themes. Conflict that exists totally within a person is called inner-conflict. It usually involves indecision, self-doubt, self-blame or some intense emotion.It is a state of...... Source : How to be Romantic
Introduction To Geothermal Energy Our earth's interior - like the sun - provides heat energy from nature. This heat - geothermal energy - yields warmth and power that we can use without polluting the environment. Geothermal heat originates from Earth's fiery consolidation of dust and gas over 4 billion years ago. At earth's core - 4,000 miles deep - temperatures may reach over 9,000 degrees F. The heat from the earth's core...... Similar Editorial : More Energy by Sasha James. | Source : Chemistry Tutoring
Wind Energy Wind energy is a converted form of solar energy. The sun's radiation heats different parts of the earth at different rates-most notably during the day and night, but also when different surfaces (for example, water and land) absorb or reflect at different rates. This in turn causes portions of the atmosphere to warm differently. Hot air rises, reducing the atmospheric pressure at the earth's...... Similar Editorial : Whispers in the Wind by Barbara Eastom Bates. | Source : Chemistry Tutoring