Introduction To House Training The information in this article is based on the successful crate training method. Crate training is not cruel. I repeat: Crate training is not cruel. If used correctly, it uses the dog's natur...... Similar Editorial : House Training a Puppy by mdlpub. | Source : Pets
Dogs & Kids: Happy Together Dogs and kids, it's a combination that at it's best can be the stuff of childhood dreams. At it's worst, it can be a source of heartache and pain and even injury. How can you ensure that your child a...... Similar Editorial : The Neurotic Dogs by Eric Shapiro. | Source : Family Advice
Treating Your Dogs Constipation Constipation usually occurs when the dog does not get enough bulk in his diet or when he does not get enough proper exercise. When a dog does not get the chance to eliminate when he needs to, he may develop the habit of holding it in. A dog that is not let out enough will also likely to develop th... Similar Editorial : Causes of Constipation by Dr John Anne. | Source : Pet Food Supply
First Aid For Dog Bites And Insect Stings Most dog bites occur around the neck, face, ears, and the upper chest area. And although most skin punctures from other canine teeth look simple and clean, there is often a considerable amount of damage through the flesh. Injuries, bites, or stings from insects and venomous animals are often diffi... Similar Editorial : Reality Bites by Aldene Fredenburg. | Source : Pet Food Supply
4 Tips To Aid Your Dogs Diarrhea Is your dog having a problem with diarrhea? Does he have "accidents" while trying to get outside to go to the bathroom? While your dog may not be losing too much sleep over the problem, there is no doubt that you are not happy with the runny mess being made in your house!Diarrhea in ... Similar Editorial : Bathing Tips For Dogs by Sharon Stajda. | Source : Pet Food Supply
The Call Of The Wild While the American Kennel Club officially recognizes 140 various breeds, it is said that there are more than 400 different, identifiable breeds of dogs worldwide. And while you probably can't tell by looking at them, scientists now agree that the lineage of each of those 400 breeds of dogs can be ... Similar Editorial : Golf in the Wild by AVEL ON LINE. | Source : Pet Food Recipes
Respiratory Disorders In Dogs & How To Treat Them Dogs can suffer from a variety of respiratory ailments. Here are some common conditions to look for that should be brought to your vet's attention at the first signs.Sneezing or Nasal DischargeIt is very common for all dogs to sneeze on an occasional basis, especially when ... Similar Editorial : Skin Disorders 101 by omilana. | Source : Pet Friendly Hotel
How To Help Your Dog With Food Allergies Because every dog is unique, it's sometimes very difficult to determine what causes food-related allergies and what doesn't. Common pet food culprits include wheat, corn and soy. Various proteins also create their share of problems in certain dogs. I was shocked to learn that some dogs are allergi... Similar Editorial : ADHD and Food Allergies by Anthony Kane, MD. | Source : Pet Friendly Hotel
Caring For Your Pets After You Die While you may be planning to outlive your pets, what if something were to happen to you? Would Fido and Fluffy be provided for in the event of your untimley death or if you became incapacitated? Here's how you can insure that your pets get the proper care in the event that you're not able to give ... Similar Editorial : Caring for Your Customers by Terri Seymour. | Source : Pet Health Pharmacy
The Importance Of Giving Your Dog First Aid Treatment It is our job as dog owners to make sure that our pets are happy and healthy. However, it is not always an easy job given that our dogs are curious and intelligent creatures with a tendency to get themselves into all kinds of trouble. And when they do get in sick or hurt, it is up to us to examine... Similar Editorial : The Giving Jar by Rachel Paxton. | Source : Pet Health Pharmacy
7 Pit Bull Breeder Warning Signs OK, so you have decided to get a Pit Bull. You like the way they look, the way they act, and how they carry themselves. It is important for you to make sure that you are getting a purebred Pit Bull that looks like a Pit Bull and acts like a Pit Bull. You also want to make sure that the dog you ch... Similar Editorial : Alzheimers Warning Signs by jdanf39. | Source : Pet Health Pharmacy
Natural Ways To Prevent & Treat Canine Arthritis Arthritis and bone disease are very common in dogs and usually take one of several types. These include hip dysplasia, dislocation of the kneecap, arthritis of the elbow, swelling and pain in the leg bones, and degeneration of the shoulder joint.Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the hi... Similar Editorial : How to Prevent Suicide by Michael G. Rayel, MD. | Source : Pet Health Pharmacy
Respiratory Problems In Dogs Although we have discussed the issue of your dog having a persistent and constant coughing problem, acute coughing can be a sign of something a little less dangerous, but important nevertheless. Acute coughing may be a sign of kennel cough, acute bronchitis, inhalation pneumonia, a foreign object i... Similar Editorial : The Neurotic Dogs by Eric Shapiro. | Source : Pet Health Pharmacy
Common Birth Defects In Dogs A vital part of good prevention is to know the common types of illnesses and disorders associated with particular dog breeds. For dogs, the parts of their body that are most frequently affected by congenital problems are the central nervous system, the eyes, the muscles, and the bones. For instanc... Similar Editorial : Relationship Between Birth Defects by . | Source : Pet Stain
4 Reasons Why A Pit Bull May Not Be Right For You There is no question that Pit Bulls are good looking animals. But while they possess a certain noble look that many people find irresistible, their most distinguishing feature is in their personality. Almost all Pit Bulls share similar traits. They all carry with them a legacy of phys... Similar Editorial : Red Bull by Barrett Niehus. | Source : Pet Furniture Protection
A Pit Bull Dog You can find a wide variety of quality Pit Bulls from breeders who either have a web site dedicated to their dogs or those who advertise in an all-breed or specific breed magazines... Similar Editorial : A Pit Bull Dog by Gene Sower. | Source : Bull Terrier Dogs
Burns First Aid Treatment As unpleasant as this can be for dog owners, its a reality that owners must face, but a little information and common sense will ensure that they dont face poisoning unprepared... Similar Editorial : Asthma Attack First Aid by Ruben Knisely.
Cat And Dog Toys Something that gives them positive feedback just by playing with them. And with ALL dog toys, we recommend you supervise your dogs play and discard any broken pieces that may break off over time... Similar Editorial : Cat And Dog Behavior by John Hinkle. | Source : How Much Do Dogs Cost
Pit Bull Dogs For If you catch him in the act, say ?no? in a firm voice and rush him outside. Punishing him for relieving inside your house will not help him learn any faster and in fact can hinder progress... Similar Editorial : A Pit Bull Dog by Gene Sower. | Source : Bull Terrier Dogs