About Writer Jason Adams is President of Street Smart Sales and Marketing and author of the highly acclaimed book The StreetSmart Job-Changing System. For more information visit www.JobChangingSystem.com
Job-Hunting? - The Best Story Always Wins There's an old joke about two men hunting in the jungle. Suddenly, they come upon a man-eating tiger that has not eaten for days. The hunters both start running with the tiger in hot pursuit. As they are running, one hunter says to the other. "You know, we'll never be able to outrun this tige... Source : Cover Letter Format
5 Easy Ways To Become A Job-Search According to current Department of Labor statistics, today's college graduates will, on average, have 8 to 10 jobs and as many as 3 careers in their lifetime. In addition, in today's job market with downsizing, rightsizing, layoffs, mergers and acquisitions, etc. your job skills and job-hunting s... Similar Editorial : Seven Ways to Say by Gerry McRae. | Source : Cover Letter Format
Job Interviews Are Predictable - So Be Prepared! For the most part, 80% of what goes on in an interview is routine and predictable. There are hundreds of books out there on what to ask and what you'll be asked. In addition to the standard questions, you need to decide what questions you are most afraid the interviewer will ask you so you can pr... Similar Editorial : Interviews with Well by Michael Southon. | Source : Cover Letter Format
Job Application Screening The first goal of any hiring manager is not to find a candidate, but to ELIMINATE unqualified candidates. Most hiring managers reading your resume will take the pile of up to 500 letters they received and try to separate the definite "no's' (Don't Call) into one pile and the interesting resumes... Similar Editorial : Lipid Screening in Women by Ibrahim Machiwala. | Source : Cover Letter Format