About Writer Jason E. Johns is a personal success coach with a wide portfolio of products and services to help you create your dream life. Discover more about how you can become more confident, achieve your goals and much more at his self help website, http://www.SanjoPublishing.com
This Exercise Thing Is Hard Work! Some months ago I decided that my lifestyle was a bit too sedentary and that I really needed to be fitter for a variety of reasons.Naturally, being the overachiever I am, I instantly had visions of me having a body builder-esqe physique and the ability to leap tall buildings in a single ... Similar Editorial : You Work Hard by . | Source : Health and Fitness
Easy Weight Loss - Is It Possible? Is it really possible for weight loss to be easy? In the face of media pressure for slimness and people struggling to lose weight, is it a reality that weight loss can be easy?The diet industry portrays diets as a breeze, easy as pie, "just eat our lovely (and expensive) products and s... Similar Editorial : Easy Weight Loss Techniques by Robert Kokoska. | Source : Weight Loss Supplements
7 Weight Loss Motivation Tips When you are dieting, having weight loss motivation can be a struggle for anyone. The continual cycle of gaining weight, losing weight, gaining weight and losing weight can become very tiresome and demotivating.The following tips are from my courses and seminars to help you get rid of t... Similar Editorial : Eight Weight Loss Tips by Beth Scott. | Source : Weight Loss Diet
Eat And Be Thin! Ok, so there are a few pounds hanging around on you that you'd like to get rid of. You could diet, you could exercise, but that's a lot of hard work, requires effort, and besides, you are a bit busy and don't really have time for that at the moment.So what can you do to shed those ex... Similar Editorial : Thin Stone by Anne Sinclair. | Source : Diets Reviews
How To Quickly Lose Weight No one likes the thought of starting a diet - it's the word DIE with a T on the end ... it just can't be fun. It's SO much easier (and more fun) to put the weight on than to knock it off. Losing weight too quickly is not good for the body, so you need to lose a little weight regular... Similar Editorial : Lose Weight by Sheila Dicks. | Source : How to Lose Fat
Choosing A Hypnotherapist To Stop Smoking There are a multitude of hypnotherapists out there, so how do you find one that works for you when you want to stop smoking?When Should I See a Hypnotherapist? If you are struggling with giving up smoking and feel you need a helping hand, then hypnosis may well help you. If... Similar Editorial : Stop Smoking by mmano229. | Source : Acupuncture Weight Loss
How To Quickly Attract Wealth To You Many people dream of being wealthy, of having great riches, a big car, a big house and all the money they can possibly use. It's a human tendancy to want more than they can have, and to really want the things that are just beyond their reach. Becoming wealthy is mostly a mental exerci... Similar Editorial : Attract Opt by Kevin Sinclair. | Source : Find Inner Peace
13 Tips To Effective Decision Making There are some people who find it really easy to make decisions whilst other people get tied up in procrastination and find it impossible to make decisions - particularly very important decisions. When the decision is big and has a major impact on your life it can be very difficult to make a decisi... Similar Editorial : Making the Decision by andywest. | Source : Positive Mental Attitude
11 Top Tips To Be More Creative Everyone has a creative side, whether they can paint great masterpieces, write classic novels, make effective decisions or solve problems. In some people the creative side is supressed, but in others it is closer to the surface.Whatever you want to have more creativity for, you can deve... Similar Editorial : Creative Marketing Tips by Troy D White. | Source : Positive Mental Attitude
The Myths Of Hypnosis The Myths of HypnosisHypnosis is a very powerful tool, but is often misunderstood in how it can help you overcome problems in your life.You wouldn't believe how many times I tell someone what I do and they instantly cover their eyes and refuse to look at me, as if they belie... Similar Editorial : What Is Hypnosis by nkthen. | Source : Medical Massage
The Eye Of The Storm Do you remember a time when everything appeared to overwhelm you? Things were way too much for you and you just couldn't cope.What did you do? Were you calm and collecting or wildly flailing around?When I was in my teens, I enjoyed swimming and attended a life savers class. ... Similar Editorial : After the Storm by Nicholas Dixon. | Source : Good night
How Much Can You Handle? I was talking to one of my friends just a few days ago, and she got me thinking.She was telling me about all the problems in her life and how bad she was feeling and that it seemed that the universe just kept piling problem after problem after problem on her and she felt she was going to... Similar Editorial : How to handle Q by Vincent Stevenson. | Source : Good night
Words : The Magic Power Within How many words do you say aloud every single day? Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? More?And how many words do you say to yourself when you are talking to yourself - your conscious mind chatters on almost continuously asking questions, chattering idly, commenting on everything that is ha... Similar Editorial : Beyond the Words by Patricia Gatto. | Source : Good night
The Secret Language Of Influence People talk to each other every day. They talk to each other all the time.But what is it they are really saying? How many of these people understand what their words really mean?People chatter away merrily never realising that the words they are using contains i... Similar Editorial : Driving Under the Influence by Atty. Gabriel Cosh. | Source : First Aid for the Soul
As I Lay Me Down To Sleep What do you do before you go to sleep all night?I don't mean brush your teeth and change into your nice blue pyjamas with the little white sheep on.I mean what do you do in your head?Do you think about anything specific? The next day? The day you've just got thr... Similar Editorial : Sleep Tip by News Canada. | Source : First Aid for the Soul