It would really be fascinating if you receive a card and one that is personalized at that. Personally, it makes me feel special because that person took all the effort of making one card that represents at the moment of the creation his feelings, his thoughts and his motives. I would love to receive personalized cards as much as I love giving them. Now, if you want to make your own greeting card, you have to know that it is just easy to do even grade-schoolers can do basically just the card they want.
Just to show some fascination over greeting card making, it is obstinate to think that personal cards should look amateurish and lacking in style. It does not have to look that way if you know what you want in the first place. But first you have to start with what sort of materials you need. You can buy card paper or the ones that are blank cards. You could also buy some card board and cut some to any card dimension you want. However, with this you will need a steady hand for you to be able to cut the card straight.
After the paper, you will need now the decoration materials like glue or paste for attaching some decorations, pen markers which have variety of colors and if you are good at water paint or pastel then this may do also and some black pens. With these materials, you can now start decorating your blank card paper. You can start by planning what design you want to put into the card. You can't just doodle without knowing how exactly you want to make it. It also depends on what occasion you are making the card for because if you are making a birthday card, it would have designs different from sorry cards right?
You can also make use of whim stickers that will serve as your primary design. There are wide varieties of whim stickers you can choose from and it could also depend on what kind of greeting card you are making. If you think you are not artistic enough, you do not have to be concerned about it because all you need is style. No fancy painting, you just need to follow what you feel and what you think would be the best design for your greeting card.
It does not matter whether you have what it takes to make a breathtaking card. What matters is how you input your feelings, thoughts and ideas into the card. You don't need to be concerned too much about how artistic your card should be because that is not your goal for making a personalized card. You are making it because you want to make the person you are giving it to feel special and there is no other easy way to do it than just give it your best. Incorporate yourself into the card. This is what makes the card personalized because of the kind of touch you give into it.