The Victorians were especially fond of sending cards and notes to each other and it was around this time that the postcard really began to be the done thing to send when one was on their holidays. This tradition is still prevalent today and it is not uncommon for people to say 'do not forget to send a postcard' when waving their friends and loved ones away on the holidays.
Many industries and sectors have over the last twenty or thirty years fell victim to the digital age resulting in many people losing there jobs through automated processes and newer more exciting media.
Despite e-cards, texts and various other electronic would be replacements to sending a card, there is nothing quite like hearing the letter box clank and a greeting card landing on the door mat.
Perhaps it is the tangible nature of a traditional card or the fact you know someone has taken the time to sit and make the card or at the very least taken time to consider the right card in a shop that makes it feel all the more appreciated. Receiving a text or e-card is all very nice but somehow it does not feel as personal or warm as receiving a card through the post.
So it would seem the simple card is here to stay having seen off the technological advance and I for one am glad of it as flicking through fifty Christmas e-cards on your computer is not quite the same as having them on the mantelpiece for all to see or as decorations on the walls.
There are many occasions where a card is the best way to convey your thoughts and feelings and probably the most common is a birthday card. Whilst is it perfectly acceptable to buy a card from a shop and there are some very nice cards to buy it is so much better to make a card.
A hand made card not only shows that you have taken your own time to make someone happy and let them know how you feel about them but you can also create a bespoke card for the individual concerned.
For instance, if you are sending a birthday card to a twelve year old boy who is particularly interested in a football team most people have never heard of you will be hard pressed top find a card with the team on it. The beauty of making a card is that you can have specific detail on it including the team and even their favourite player.
There is nothing like a hand made personal card to put a smile on peoples faces whether it is their birthday, your valentine or just to say thank you.