The Yad Torah Pointer is a long stick shape pointer for pointing the words out of the Torah reading. Most all of the pointers are forgeries use the material medium of Silver. For not spending a small fortune upon one of these fake antique Torah pointers, it is very important to know exactly what to look for between the forged pointer and the real antique pointers. The fake Pointer will be new in its looks. The fake Yad Torah Pointer will have commonly known welding marks of today's type of welding, in the two areas of were the silver meets on the supposed antique piece.
The Yad Torah Pointer is a long stick shape pointer for pointing the words out of the Torah reading. The traditionally made Silver Judiaca - Torah Pointer always has a pointing finger of a hand at the end of the long stick. It is on the days of Mondays and Thursdays along with the Shabbat that the Pointer is used in the Synagogue to follow along with the readings of the Torah, which is also known as the readings of the Five Books of Moses.
Although silver is the most common material for the pointer to be made out of, but Torah pointers are also found to be crafted out of materials like gold, ivory, wood and the occasionally plastic also. With the much increasing popularity of so many antique silver Judaica artistically hand-crafted works of art, there has been an unfortunate flooding of fake antique pointers to now be a direct part of the collector's markets. Most all of the pointers are forgeries use the material medium of Silver. The specified fake antique markings are of the time line of the 1700's and on into the 1800's later period, and tend to be considered of the Russian origination.
For not spending a small fortune upon one of these fake antique Torah pointers, it is very important to know exactly what to look for between the forged pointer and the real antique pointers. One of the most important things is that the 'real' antique Pointer will show some true signs of being used or at least slightly used in some fashion. The fake Pointer will be new in its looks. There will be no wear and tear what so ever, because it is newly made, but may have a polished look of an antique and carrying the forged documentation of being 100 or more years old. Whether it is silver or some other medium of artistic hand craftsmanship, there will be signs of usage, if it is a 'real' antique.
Another important focal area of differenciating between a 'real' antique Torah pointer and the one that is a newer fake form of the Yad Torah Pointer can be most always seen in the welding. The fake Yad Torah Pointer will have commonly known welding marks of today's type of welding, in the two areas of were the silver meets on the supposed antique piece. But for when a 'real' Yad Torah Pointer was made, there would have been a completely different form of section connections. This is because welding as we know it did not actually come along for at least 50 to 75 years after these antique pieces would have been created.