Kowloon Duckling

1/2 c Soy sauce
1 Duckling, 4 to 5 lbs. 2 tb Honey
6 Green onions, cut up 2 tb Lemon juice
6 Parsley sprigs 1 Recipe Plum Sauce
1 Garlic clove, minced

---------------------------------PLUM SAUCE---------------------------------
1 cn Plums, 17 oz. 2 tb Sugar
1/4 c Syrup from plums 1/2 ts Worcestershire sauce
1/4 ts Orange peel, grated 1/4 ts Cinnamon, ground
3 tb Orange juice

Stuff cavity of duckling with onion, parsley, and garlic. Skewer neck and
body cavities closed; tie securely with cord. In saucepan, heat soy sauce,
honey, and lemon juice. Sprinkle dampened hickory chips over slow coals.
Arrange coals away from duckling. Place duckling on foil baking pan; place
atop grill. Close hood and roast for 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 hours, adding dampened
hickory chips every 30 minutes and basting frequently with soy sauce
mixture. Remove grease as needed. Serve with Plum Sauce.
******************Plum Sauce********************
Drain one 17-oz can purple plums, reserving 1/4 cup syrup. Force plums
through sieve. In saucepan, combine sieved plums, plum syrup, orange peel,
orange juice, sugar, worcestershire sauce and cinnamon. Heat to boiling;
simmer 10 minutes.
Makes 1 1/4 cup.

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