Egg Fried Rice.

This is my version of the no-frills Egg Fried Rice. Super simple and serves 2 persons.


* 2 cups / rice bowls cold cooked rice
* 2 eggs, lightly beaten
* 4 shallots (thinly sliced)

Seasoning :

* 1 ½ tsp light soy sauce
* salt and pepper to taste


* Chopped spring onions, sliced cucumbers and tomatoes

Heat one to two tablespoons oil in a wok and fry shallots till fragrant and light brown. Remove fried shallots.

Whilst oil is still hot, add the rice and stir-fry well. Pour in seasoning and continue to stir-fry for about 3 minutes. Pour in eggs and fry until properly cooked. The rice should be coated and yellowish-brown in colour.
Sprinkle the fried shallots over the rice. Dish out and serve with garnishing.

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About The Author, Samuelcarrenho
This Recipe was published in Delicius Asian Food. Licensed Creative Coomons.Samuel write recipes in the webs Recetas Faciles.