Real Time Operating System (rtos)

By: Sam

Perfect Application to handle Real time scenarios

A real time operating system is based on the OS which has the capability to perform a number of functions at a time. This RTOS only serves real-time applications. These real-time applications include robots, spaceships; research tools used by scientists and embedded systems like home appliances, cell phones and thermostat.

RTOS system captures the real time events and brings out the results which may slightly differ from the reality. It's processing and computation totally depends on the way it is programmed. RTOS can be judged as how quickly it performs the operation and how accurate the results are. Most important factors which increase the working of this system are low interrupt latency and a low thread switching latency.

The real time operating system is designed keeping in mind every aspect in mind of real life. This operating system is designed on two basic principles. First design pattern is that it should focus on event-driven programming so that tasks can process depending upon their scheduling priorities. Second design refers to time sharing feature so to process tasks on the basis of clock interrupts.

In RTOS allocation of memory is the most critical task. Two elements are of significant importance in case of memory allocation. First one is speed and second is the fragmentation of free region during the memory allocation process.

Resource sharing is entangled in a multitasking system, when two processes are accessing the same resource at a time. This may bring some confusing results in the form of inconsistency, unreliability and data duplication. Some solutions are suggested by developers to solve this problem

1.By disabling interrupts
2.By the process of message passing; one user can stop its working while other is in progress.
3.Binary semaphore


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