A flat panel television is the newest and most desirable digital gadget today. It is a lightweight television set that is hung on the wall or ceiling and usually only three or four inches thick. The regular flat panel televisions are either plasma or Lcds, which means liquid crystal display.
The biggest reason flat panel televisions are in demand is because of not only the size but also design and performance. This new technology dominates the television market and is now definitely more affordable as the prices have decreased. Just like any new technology, there are certainly far more advantages and a few downsides when it comes to owning one.
The best clear advantage of owning one is its weight, size and premium performance. It is usually difficult for one person to carry and more difficult for an individual to hang up perfectly. You can put it in any room you like or place it almost anywhere instead of having to purchase a television stand or entertainment unit like the old style television required.
The wide selection of flat panel televisions is almost limitless and they also come with a huge selection of sizes. Plasma flat panel televisions begin at 42 inches and any model smaller is called Lcds models. While plasmas act as pure televisions, manufacturers designed Lcd flat panel televisions to collect and interact with your PC while still operating as a television. Please don't use your plasma television to display video games or as a computer monitor as burn-out could be a problem.
Life expectancy for both plasma and Lcd flat panel televisions is over fifteen years and unlike rear projection televisions, they have no lamp to replace so are more cost efficient.
I remember when i bought mine in December 2006 - a Sony 42 inch. My biggest problem was deciding the perfect location to put it. Truthfully, my location preference changed three or four times. Since it was football season and my buddies were anxious, my choice location was the flat wall visible to everyone as you enter the living room. I must confess the clarity and sound was astounding. I felt like I was at the game. I could almost reach out and touch the players.
Shop intelligently and do compare features and as soon as you find one desirable, buy it. My advice to you is to include installation when you buy your own plasma or Lcd television set. Pick out a perfect spot before installation date and make sure you have an electrical outlet nearby. Enjoy the new flat panel televisions of your choice for when you look at life it is short and if anyone is deserving of this new gadget it is definitely you and you deserve it..