If you need a smart, reliable way to manage your inventory supply without spending loads of cash on specialized software, this Quick Microsoft Access Course will show you how to accomplish this with the software you already have on your computer. Though you may need a more in-depth Microsoft Access Course to really get efficient with your inventory control databases, this quick course will show you how to have a highly functional inventory control database up and running in minutes. The foundation of any profitable business is smart, thorough information management. After taking this Quick Microsoft Access Course, you'll be able to use the Access wizard to create a variety of smart databases to manage the various aspects of your business. Let's get started! 1. Open Microsoft Access and click the "new document" icon in the upper left hand corner of the toolbar. 2. On the left toolbar under "templates" click "on my computer" and select the "inventory control" template. 3. After clicking the "contact management" template, a File New Database dialogue box will appear, allowing you to name and file your new database. Choose your folder, name your file, and click "create." 4. Click "next" on the first frame of the wizard that appears. The second screen shows the eight tables that will be included in your contacts database. - My company information - Product information - Information about buying and selling inventory - Purchase order information - Categories - Information about employees - Shipping methods - Suppliers 5. Take a moment to highlight each of the 8 table names on the left and browse through the different fields in each category on the right. In this Quick Microsoft Access Course, we will be creating an inventory control database that includes all of these tables and fields. Click "next" to continue. 6. Now you will be able to customize the look of your database interface. Click through the various display options on the left, choose your favourite, and click "next." 7. One of the most exciting aspects of Access is the ability to quickly create custom reports from your stored data. In this fourth frame of the wizard, you'll be able to choose the look of your reports. Click through the options, choose your favourite, and click "finish." 8. A dialogue box will appear asking you to enter your company's name and contact information. Fill out the information and click the red "x" in the upper right-hand corner of the dialogue box. You've just created a highly functional inventory control database with an 8 step Microsoft Access course! If this is your first time using Access, you'll be surprised at how easy it is to enter information as opposed to programs like Excel. Many people think Access must be a confusing program to use, but it is actually quite simple and intuitive with a little training. It's possible to become fluent in this amazing database application after just a few days of Microsoft Access course training sessions. Until then, you've learned enough information in this quick course to get your inventory control management system up and running, ready to collect information and produce reports with the touch of a button - and all without spending a dime on custom inventory control software. |
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