Does it really matter?
Specifically, this article talks about the colors on a website. Colors are sometimes taken for granted by some web designers when they are creating a site. But mind you, colors may just be one of the factors that can attract or distract a visitor for a website. It plays a considerable impact on the visitor's decision to browse or exit from the site.
If you already have an existing site, ask people to describe the feel of your site's color, design and overall appearance. Through this survey you can get a general feedback for your site. The site should have the artistic identity of the designer but at the same time pleases the target visitors.
Branding, the strategy to create and maintain your site's unique identity through the logo and designs implemented on your web site. Proper color combinations can give your site an identity, making it stand out from the rest.
Below are the key points to consider on choosing the right color combinations for your website:
Know your target. There can be several colors for you to choose from but make sure it will conform to your target visitors which can vary from from young crowd, students, male or female, adults, housewives, job seekers, businessman, etc. This diversity should be a challenge for you to take in attracting them to your site.
Make your visitors comfortable. Many visitors are comfortable using Microsoft programs, which are designed in gray and blue. You don't need to copy the color of Microsoft, the point is gray and blue are very comfortable on the eyes, which is the main reason why many sites have those colors as background. However, you can always use your own color skills and create a pleasing combination. The best thing to do is test the site with several color combinations and do a survey on a group of people.
Be creative. Make your own identity. Colors can make your site unique, embed colors that you think will mix to your design and logo. These should make your site lively, attractive and easy on the eyes.
Make it simple. Simplicity is beauty as the cliche goes. It also applies to websites, don't overthrow your site by adding unnecessary colors which doesn't match your overall design. Don't use font colors that will not be visible on the background. Lastly, don't add colors that is totally different with the whole template's color, as much as possible, your site should only have four to five different colors.
Given the above key points for the color of your website, you can now make a website design that can attracts visitor. Decide now what colors you need in building your site. Because colors has something to do with the success and failure of your business. Make your business grow.