By: Gayathri Sekar

Voice Over Internet Protocol delivers the service of converting the analog line into a digital signal so that voice could be transferred through the internet and this proves to be a lot cheaper than the PSTN (public switched telephone network). Voip is the best for making long distance calls in, inexpensive rates.

Voip and IP telephony are fields which have seen extensive growth and they continue to develop efficiently. To obtain the facility of Voip you need to plug an IP phone into your network or you use an adapter, where you can attach it with your phone and then into your computer. When are connecting through Voip using your adapter, you will hear a regular ring tone and the usage would be just the same as your regular phone. You are provided with an option of making a call directly from your computer, with the help of a conventional line. Then your call will be routed to the voip providers through your local telephone company. If you do not have a conventional telephone line, you can make use of the microphones, you could punch the numbers in the keyboard and this will be routed by your cable modem.

You require a broadband connection to optimize the services of voip. Your broadband connection can be your cable modem or any other LAN.

Traditional phones only transfer analog voice which is subjected to many distortions, but in Voip the analog voice is converted into digital voice. And this enhances the communication. The first and foremost advantage of voip is that they are very economical because if you have a voip there is no need for a conventional line, so you are eventually reducing the additional cost of owning a phone line. Another advantage is that your voip connection proves to be mobile as long as you have high speed internet connection available, so if you have an internet connection you can use the voip anywhere. Voip also allows you to use your computer simultaneously when you are speaking through the voip. These voip services make them the best to be used by enterprises of all sizes. Since voip avoids the PSTN, by converting analog voice into digitized packets, the monitory charges associated with the PSTN can be reduced.

As stated earlier voip is best for enterprises or companies, because they are the people who need to make a lot of long distance calls frequently. Voip also allows extension dialing between locations which are situated far apart. So employees in a company can make calls and speak to another co-worker in a different branch in any part of the world. Voip also provides calls transferring services. There are many others enhancements in voip like the Conferencing, voice mail, click to dial and so on.

It has been reported that by 2006 many companies have started implementing voip as a part of their network. And still a lot of companies have planned to take up voip as it provides efficiency and robustness.

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