Is Halo 3 Really Worth Playing?

By: Paul Johnson

No matter how you look at it, Halo 3 was probably one of the most eagerly anticipated video games of all times. This is good, but this is also a very high pressure factor. I mean, it's not that easy for a video game company to build upon the legacy oh Halo and Halo 2, two of the most famous and played action games in the history.

So the game had to be a hit. Well, was it? From a preliminary first look, I would say that yes, the game is very good indeed. It is very satisfying on more than one level. The action, the graphics, the weapons, even the Halo 3 skulls make it one of the best action games ever made.

However, let's go a little bit deeper with the presentation. Without wanting to spoil your gaming pleasure for those of you who haven't played it yet (by the way, what are you waiting for?), I will shortly explain a few of the most important aspects of the game. The gameplay is not very different from Halo 2, which is a very good thing indeed because the predecessor of Halo 3 did a great job with the gameplay.

The tactical part, which means achieving a good balance between using your melee weapons, guns and grenades, has always been a Halo trademark and this nice feeling is still present. You will also have the pleasure of firing new weapons, out of which I will mention only one, the spiker. It is a pistol that has a devastating effect upon your enemies. More of that, well, in the game.

The campaign plays much the same like the previous Halo games; it has a smooth and nice flow to it. The video sequences appear between chapters. Also, the vehicles we all got used to ensure that you don't get bored of walking only by foot.

However, there are also new concepts in the game, like the equipments. The bubble shield is one example. This device will let you (or your enemies) walk right through it, but guns and grenades will bounce off (see what those melee weapons are good for now?).

When it comes to the storyline, it starts right from where it was left in Halo 2 (which was a real cliffhanger, by the way). The Covenant is on course with the Earth, trying to activate the Halos (which could mean the end of the world, but we can't really let that happen, can we?).

And when it comes to the graphics, well... they are probably one of the most awe inspiring I have ever had the pleasure to see. They will undoubtedly set new standards in the industry. The explosions, the details, everything is very well rendered giving you maximum enjoyment. You will spend much time admiring the landscape, sometimes forgetting that there's an enemy on you trail who would want nothing more than to take a piece of you. But that's it for now. If you'll excuse me, I have a game to play.


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