Unclaimed Money Information

By: Nicole Anderson

It may sound unbelievable but it true that eight out of nineindividuals are owed money but have no idea about the same. It could even beyou! I know who took your money, where it is kept and how to recover it.

Without their knowledge, millions have lost their money. Somuch so that the sum of unclaimed money is in excess of 35 billions dollars

What exactly is this money? The money is the nation’s unclaimed money.

Now that you know about the existence of unclaimed money,are you wondering how it come into existence? Unclaimed money comes intoexistence from many different sources. Some of the most common sources arechecking accounts or savings accounts that have been forgotten, utilitydeposits that were never recovered, inheritances that one did not know about,insurance payments, stocks, bonds and dividends that were forgotten uncashedchild support or alimony, tax refund and pay checks

When individuals do not operate their accounts and when theperson holding the money cannot contact the individual and if the account hasbeen lying dormant for three years or more, the money becomes unclaimed money. This happens whenpeople move residence without providing updated contact information.

Ideally, the agency getting possession of your money mustlocate you and hand it over to you. However, apart from a few advertisements,nothing else is done to find the owners of the money. The money remains missingand unclaimed until and unless the owner of the money, that is you, takeseffort to find and claim the same.

To recover the money owed to you, you must search theunclaimed money databases to find all instances of money owed against yourname. Each state has its own database. Each database is updated regularly. Tosearch 50+ databases on a regular basis is neither possible nor advisable.Rather, one should search ‘All Inclusive Database’ that has the records of allthe state as well as the federal agencies.

How to find unclaimed money? Some tips!

Do not search just under your legal name. Search under thevariations of your legal name as well. P. Jones, Pat Jones are variations ofPatrick Jones and the individual must search under all the variations possible.

Technology is the best bet you have to recover yourunclaimed money as quickly as possible. Databases offer Name Match Technologythat search for not just your name and other versions of your name but also forminor variations of your name. Such a database would include Pat Jones, P.Jones, Partick Jones and Patrick Jonse when you search for Patrick Jones.

When searching for money owed to you, search for money owedto your family and friends as well. They too may be owed money and your effortsmay help them recover it.

Many people diligently search for unclaimed money owed to them but then do not proceed any further. Never make such a mistake. Once your have completed your searchFree Reprint Articles, fill your claim and submit the documents to claim the money.


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