"The trouble with the future is--it isn't what it used to be"
Paul Valery (1871-1945) writes these words. I first hear
them from NSA member Robert Mayer Evans in 1984. He repeats
this piercing quote several times during his general session speech
at my first NSA Convention. I cannot forget them.
They sear my heart.
On September 11 2001 your future changes forever. Your future
twists into a new and undesired shape. There is fear in the hearts
of your clients and customers. How secure is their future now. And
the future of their children. This persists into the indefinite future.
If you are in the United States of America, as about 75% of my
readers are, you know you're not protected by the Atlantic and the
Pacific oceans any more. Not now. Not ever again. You know
that perverted and malicious villains, our mortal enemies who
gleefully shatter our innocence and destroy lives and futures,
are among us now.
They do not share our values and principles. They are jealous of our
freedoms. They would destroy Western culture as we know and
cherish it. The targeted symbols in the USA are just the start of
their inhumane, cruel, and vicious intentions.
The curtain is rising on this very bad play. The overture is playing.
There are several acts to follow. Treachery and much flowing blood,
mostly ours, wait in the wings.
Like the citizens of Israel for the past 53 years, you and all your
freedom loving family, friends, associates, neighbors, customers and
clients, live on the front lines now. Terror and ferocious atrocities
may be a savage moment away.
The trouble with the future is, it isn't what it used to be.
Now: The day is come; the hour is here; the moment is at hand.
How are you to use your stewardship of your life? What are you to do
as you relate with your family, friends, associates, neighbors,
customers and clients? This:
You are to reflect lofty principles first articulated and modeled by the
founders of the United States of America. Unyielding ethical attitudes
and actions are to be vivified by all we think, say, and do.
All of us are to be voices of hope and comfort as we share out perceived
truth. We are in no way to be inflammatory. We are to be voices of
reason and faith. We are to support our elected leaders regardless of
politics. Now we stand shoulder to shoulder in a common cause.
Finally, we are to do our job, whatever that job may be. We are to stand
tall, proud of our calling. Blessed by our opportunity to be alive and to
make a positive difference in these tremulous and dangerous times.
The trouble with the future is--it isn't what it used to be."