If you want to learn currency trading then you may think that developing your own forex trading system is hard - but its not here we will show you how to put one together in a couple of days and it works! Read on and see for yourself.
This system is based on timeless logic and all you need to do is to look at forex charts spot important levels of resistance or support and time your trading signal with some momentum oscillators and that's it.
Here we are going to use a breakout methodology as a basis for the system.
It's a fact that most big trend start from new market highs or lows and accelerate away from the breakout. This is obvious if you look at any forex chart, yet most traders never take advantage of this phenomenon- why?
Because they wait for the pullback to get in at a better price and it never comes! If the breakout is of a valid support and resistance level it sails over the horizon and their left watching it.
To win and enjoy currency trading success you need to spot valid breakouts check momentum and go with them - so how do you do this?
1. You need a support and resistance level that has been tested several times (easy to spot on a forex chart) and know that the participants consider it valid.
2. You need to watch for a strong move above or below resistance.
3. Finally you need to check momentum supports the move, (we don't have time to talk about momentum oscillators here simply check our other articles) but if momentum supports the move go with it.
4. The stop remains behind the breakout point.
5. Don't move your stop t quickly as if you do, you will be stopped out by the market noise - hold it back and let the move unfold.
Now that sounds simple and it is.
You can easily learn a breakout method in a few days and make forex profits with it - but most traders fail to do this, as they are obsessed with buying low and selling high. Of course with a breakout you miss a bit of the move - but you should not be obsessed with market timing, just realise you have the odds on your side and you should just grit your teeth and do it.
Always remember forex trading is about making money NOT trying to buy a high or sell a low, with your trading signal - that's impossible anyway so don't try!
If you caught just 50% of every big forex trend, you would be very rich.
If you want to learn currency trading always remember a breakout method is timeless and most traders will never do it - if you do and you're selective about the trades you take, you will enjoy forex trading success.
We can only give you the basics here but as part of your forex education, you should look at this method of trading in more detail. It will be time well spent and you will soon have a forex trading strategy that works, you have confidence in, an best of all - can make you huge gains!