Vacancies For NursesA Rapidly Growing Industry

By: Gavin Sanderson

Confused about what career to pursue? Why not take upnursing as a profession? Nursing can be a far more satisfying occupation thanit is usually given credit for. Yes folks, contrary to what people might betelling you, nursing does allow you serious amount of monetary rewards andmore.

Ask any healthcare professional and he will tell you that wehave less number of registered nurses than our country actually needs. Giventhe large number of vacancies for nurses, the salaries offered are quite highand extremely competitive. Every hospital tries to provide high salaries totheir nurses in order to ensure that the recruited RN’s stay on and do notshift to some other lucrative job. Given the current trends in the healthcareindustry, most specialists are of the opinion that this demand for nurses isunlikely to die down any time soon.

In the following section we look at some of the very manyprofitable possibilities open to all those who are looking to make a career innursing.

A forensic nurse works closely with victims of variouscriminal cases. Be it sexual assault, murder or abuse, a forensic nurse willanalyze body evidences and help investigators in uncovering the truth. If youare a tele-soap buff you have probably seen a number of such nurses runningaround in investigative serials such as CSI. Forensic nursing is meantspecifically for those who are looking for an offbeat and interestingoccupation and is definitely not cut out for those who want a stable nurse job.

Yet another new area that is just beginning to gainpopularity is a field called legal nurse consulting. Nurses from this field(also called legal nurse consultants or LNCs) work alongside attorneys handlingmedical cases. The LNCs guide lawyers regarding medical procedures, according towhat exactly goes on in hospitals. This is therefore where a practicing nurseson-the-job knowledge helps him/her. RNs working at hospitals know how things athospitals work. When they work with attorneys, they share this privilegedinformation with them and help them out. Besides attorneys, a number ofinsurance companies also employ LNCs. And get this, an experienced LNC candemand anything over and around $150/hr!!! And it isn’t just the money that isgreat, LNCs are also granted as much freedom as any other freelancer.

Nurses who are unwilling to stay pinned at a single locationcan also make good money by becoming what is called a ‘travel nurse’. No matterwhere you are, be it Texas or San Francisco if you want to travel, anurse’s job can help you visit or live in places you have only heard of before.The nurse staffing companies hire RNs for almost every part of the country. Soif you are looking to relocate just let them know and they’ll take care of allthe rest. Travel nurses not only get to choose the exact location where theywould like to live, they also get to choose lucrative jobs which pay more thanothers. Travel nurses thus have the best of both the worlds!

Nurses can also work as dental, surgical or pediatric nursesor as a family nurse practitioner, in which case you will have to be dealingwith one specific patient and only look after his/her wants. If you are lookingto pursue a career in nursing, you will have to take at least a preliminarydegree, which will grant you a Licensed Practitioner Nurse. To avail greaterlucrative offers however get a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing.


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