Create Products that Sell

By: nkthen
This is where it all starts
Whether the advice is to be taken or not, businessmen agree that no business has survived successfully without passion. Passion is an emotional issue. Businesses likewise and the creation of products that will sustain the business has to start with what one knows best.

Business styles and approaches are as varied as the number of businessmen. Each according to techniques dictated by the circumstances and responses allowing each to make decisions and deviations. There are however proven methods common to all businesses and its corresponding creation of products.

Brick by brick.
Like all things created the actual work starts with very careful planning.

Get down and write. Do a blueprint of the product you have in mind. Getting down to it brings you face to face with your ideas. What was formerly abstract comes to you alive. Now you can do additions to it, deductions from it, enhancements, study it from all possible angles do revisions and alterations or sometimes do a total rewrite until what previously was an idea has now taken form.

Take your time and enjoy your plan. Rushing will only create an undesired result.

Be Specific - Make precision your keyword. Do not forget to include the following in your list of questions. What is its purpose? What do you plan to achieve.

Product creation addresses a particular need that may not be in the market. If a similar product already does, your version still has to offer something new that will spark interest and address a particular viable alternative to the existing one. The more popular the product is already available, the better it will do for your products introduction into the market and its eventual acceptance.

Product creation should target a particular segment of the market. While shotgun approaches can work, it is often best to identify a product with a smaller segment i.e. what age bracket do you want to attract, Male or female, what are the class/status of your targeted customers, what styles, what components. This will help you stay focused.

Go for the jugular.
If you are a shopper you can see that creating a new product can easily get lost in the jungle of goods already available. If you visit on line shopping, you may think that all products available for consumption can already be there. But the dream nags at you. You know it can be done. So what are the elements that could increase your products chance at penetrating the market?

Try niche marketing. Niche marketing is about placing your product in a special category that addresses a particular desire. Some strategies that are tested that somehow finds places in consumers hearts for example, are; low carbohydrates, low calorie, high protein, sugar free, non fat, energy releasing, long life, long lasting, value for money and the list goes on. Niche marketing makes your product extra specific for people with specific needs.

What's in a name.
The hard part is over. It is now time to give your product a name.
One point to consider though, words elicits ideas. If one for example mentions a dark cloud coming, an idea immediately comes to mind of colder fronts or a rain coming or even a storm. The person does not even have to go outside and see for himself. The idea is there. On the other hand, take away the word and immediately, the idea loses its distinction. It loses identity it becomes nothing.

This is why names are so very important. So are labels. So are packaging.

Easy to memorize short names does wonders for the product especially when packaging are appropriately attractive. Sometimes, no matter what other people say a good and catchy dot com. attracts traffic to your product as it can enhance its perceived value.

Say that again.
Constant repetition. Top of mind recall. That is what the battle is all about. This is why marketing firms go to lengths at spending on advertisements. For many products however, newsletter and brochures work.

Get out from here.
You have it all on the launch pad; you can almost see it getting off. The channel of distribution has already been decided, the distribution model pinned down. You are making your creation available, visible and competitive. Then you hold your breath. Once the product is introduced, markets by large reacts. When it does, your sustainability will largely depend on how your product makes good at delivering what it has promised.

All you worry now are competitive advantages that you can sustain.
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