The Lost Art of Vacationing

By: Lionel Wayne

The stock markets arerocky, and the economy is in rough shape. Work is even more stressful thennormal, and a pay raise seems like an idea of days gone by!

With today’s highstress work environment and challenging economy it is more important then everto be able to get away from it all and relax. Yet with today’s economicuncertainty you hesitate to spend the money on a family vacation for fear thatthe money may be required later.

??? Any doctor or therapist will tell you thattaking time away from the stress of work is a necessary way to recharge bodyand soul. It can improve health and restore the body’s ability to fightinfection and withstand stress. The need for vacations and down time away fromwork is more essential than ever. Yet, with a declining economy and anuncertain job market fewer and fewer people can afford to vacation with theirfamilies.

This does notneed to be the case. These last few years have seen massive changes in thevacation market. There are new options available for families that wish tovacation together that do not require huge infusions of cash. It’s a new marketand it represents a complete shift in the way we think about our vacation time.

The timeshares,all inclusive resorts, and villa rentals now have to compete with destinationclubs, exchange programs, points programs, a wholesale vacation market, andwhat is now a hugely competitive cottage rental real-estate market. Did youknow you can actually rent a cottage and get it as an “all inclusive" package?This was not possible 10 years ago but it is now.

Do not let work,or a bad economy stop you from taking advantage of all these new and greatfamily vacation alternatives. The risks are far too great, and the rewards areeven greater. Quality family time improves health, and creates a solid, stableand healthy environment. It is one of the best and most effective methods for reducingstress, and in the endHealth Fitness Articles, it actually increases productivity.

Enjoy your timeoff. Enjoy spending it with your family and your friends and make sure that youget your well deserved break from work. Enjoy!

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