What are the 3 most important steps you can take right now to get off the weight loss and diet roller coaster once and for all?
Believe it or not, almost effortless weight loss can be obtained by simply 1) writing, 2) speaking, and 3) feeling your goal daily. No kidding! Here's how to do it... First of all, please be aware that your subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind or willpower. It is where all lasting change occurs. For this reason, you'll mostly use your imagination as your playground since it accesses and affects your subconscious mind directly. Step One: Write down exactly what the end result will be when you're successful at weight loss: A. At your end result, how much do you weigh? (Hint: What is your intuitive ideal weight?) B. How much time did it take you to get there? (Hint: Use your intuition and be realistic!) C. Imagine how it FEELS to have a body at this weight once again. (Hint: How great did it feel when you were at this weight before?) Example affirmative goal: "By (insert date), I have easily and safely done whatever is needed so that my weight is (insert realistic ideal weight). I feel (insert all positive feelings). I have easily achieved this or something better joyfully and in ways that are for the highest good of all concerned." Write this paragraph out by hand every day. (Do not expect to get the same weight loss results by waiting for the 5th day and writing it 5 times - you must write it by hand at least once every day without skipping.) Write your weight loss affirmation out slowly, neatly and with care, so that your subconscious mind gets the point that you are serious and taking the correct time and steps to achieve your goal. Step Two: When you're done writing it out by hand, speak your weight loss goal out loud, preferably in front a mirror looking into your own eyes. Step Three: Vividly recall at least three extremely positive experiences when you were at your ideal weight. Write down keywords that describe all the positive thoughts, emotions, and senses you experienced with each situation. (If you recall anything negative, simply leave it out.) Keep writing until you've described the whole of your experience in as many senses, positive words or phrases as possible. As well as your emotions and positive thoughts, keep in mind your sense of hearing, tasting, smelling, seeing and touching. Concentrate on each experience. ?Relive them by playing mental movies in your mind. Hear the sounds. See the colors. ?Smell the scents. ?Touch the objects in your surroundings. ?Feel all the positive feelings once again. In your mind's eye, put this mental movie straight out in front of you and amplify every color, every feeling, every sound... Make the movie fill out the entire screen of your mind. Repeat every morning upon awakening, and every night as you're falling asleep. That's it! :-) Don't make the mistake of thinking that this process is so simple that it won't work. In fact, I dare you to commit to this simple 3-step weight loss system for one whole week! -- Your Consistent Thoughts Become Your Reality. -- You get what you focus on. Repeated often enough, these actions will create a new conscious mental pattern that will: A. Show up in your thinking first; then B. Become a part of the way you speak; and finally C. Almost without your awareness, will become your actions; and D. Your life experience. Happy Weight Loss Trails! |
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