Kate Moss - Simple Supermodel Diet!

By: John Howard

Kate Moss was born on the 16th of January 1974. She became famous for her waif like figure and has appeared on the cover of almost 300 magazines!

Now lets' talk a bit about her figure. She's got stick thin arms and legs and a tight toned stomach. But how? Even after giving birth she managed to get her old body back in no time. She admits that she has always depended on some form of diet to maintain her tiny frame.

After her break up with Pete Doherty she began to use a special diet and exercise program called 'The Vibrancy Diet'. It is her mission to remain the top model in the fashion industry!

She put on a little weight while dating with Pete and this has put her career in trouble and for this reason she is in strict diet. She depends on pro biotic yoghurt's, toast and fruits for her breakfast. She eats either chicken with vegetables or grilled fish for lunch. It is said that a diet is not complete without proper exercise.

Supermodel Diet

She's got a regular exercise regime which includes meditation and relaxation. Apart from these, she washes her face with boiled milk as part of a weird beauty regime!

Kate is currently 34 years old and has one lovely little girl. After becoming single recently she is trying to regain her confidence in modeling and just released her own fashion line! The diet plans that models undergo are very strenuous but produce amazing results.

Kate moss has a hefty exercise schedule to try and regain her famous figure which she admits wasn't up to scratch while dating Pete. She says that eating out at restaurants was the reason she lost her figure. She admitted that some days she hardly had any sleep which badly affected her metabolism and overall health.

What Does Kate Moss Eat?

  • Breakfast: Pro biotic yogurt, toast and fruit
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken and vegetables
  • Dinner: Grilled fish and vegetables

How Does Kate Moss Workout?

  • She works out at a gym and while shes there usually does weight lifting and running. She goes about 4 times a week!

Kate Moss has never admitted to having any form of eating disorder. Some however claim that the supermodels tiny figure isn't possible without starvation.

Kate Moss has an extremely fast metabolism because she eats usually on intervals of three hours. This is said to keep the body in 'fat burning mode' and many bodybuilders and fitness models swear by this.

Cameron Diaz and Jessica Biel eat every three hours and they have amazing bodies!

If you would like a body like Kate Moss's then I advise you to eat the foods listed as above and do Kate's workout!

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