Shop Real Estate Auctions For Discount Autos

By: Ray La Foy

When it comes to finding the best deals on cars, trucks and work vehicles, regular car auctions are generally one of the best places to go. There is, however, another outlet that many people don't think of. The truth be told, real estate auctions and estate auctions can have more than their fair share of hidden four-wheeled treasures.

It might seem a little odd to scan real estate auctions or estate auctions for automobile listings, but the truth is they can be included in final estate sales. Generally, if someone passes on and those who will benefit from the estate so choose, everything can be sold in a single auction.

This means possessions, such as furniture, jewelry and even cars, will go on the auction block right alongside the property. Since the focus will be on clearing the estate, not necessarily getting top dollar, the savings at these auctions can be incredible.

Finding these types of sales will require a little savvy, however. Since this isn't the most common route to go, a bit of know how needs to come into play. Here's how you can determine if a real estate auction will be worthwhile in a vehicle hunt:

* Scan classified ads. Many companies that play host to real estate auctions will list the basic items that will be included in their posted sales. If cars or trucks will be on the block along with other belongings, the ads will say so. Remember, some real estate auction ads are small while others will be full-sized display ads, so read the fine print in the paper.

* Calling the auctioneer. If you suspect an upcoming real estate auction might have what you're looking for, it doesn't hurt to call and see. The auction company handling the real estate auction will often have their number listed in advertisements.

* Computer programs that find auctions in your areas. There's even software available that helps take the guess work out of finding the right kind of auctions, real estate auctions and otherwise. These programs quickly scan hundreds of local databases to find upcoming auctions within certain geographical areas for the types of autos you might be looking for. This can take a lot of time and guess work out of the proposition.

Finding real estate auctions and even estate auctions in some areas is very easy. Retirement communities, for example, will generally have multiple events a year. In other areas these auctions are few and far between. No matter what, however, real estate auctions shouldn't be counted out by those who are looking for great deals on everything from cars and trucks to furniture and jewelry and even property itself.

Just remember, as is the case with almost any kind of auction, that things are generally purchased as is. This means it's up to you to do some advanced recon where possible to ensure deals are really deals and that quality is in place. Most auctions will allow perusal of property prior to bidding and sometimes they'll even include information about condition, appraisals and so on.


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