Window Parts and Cleaning

By: Charlie McCurry

Parts of a Window

1. Head - The main horizontal member forming the top of the window or door frame.

2. Jamb - The main vertical members forming the sides of a window or door frame.

3. Frame - The combination of head, jambs and sill to form a precise opening in which a window sash or door panel fits.

4. Glazing - The process of applying or installing glass into a win?dow sash or door panel. Also refers to the type of glass used in the process.

5. Pane - A framed sheet of glass within a window or door frame.

6. Sash - A single assembly of stiles and rails made into a frame for holding glass.

7. Sill - The main horizontal member forming the bottom of the frame of a window or door.

8. Muntin Bar - Any small bar that divides window or door glass. Also called a grille or windowpane divider.


Window Care and Cleaning

Below is a list of cleaners for specific circumstances recommended by the Vinyl Window and Door Institute.

Cleaners to Remove Stains from Vinyl Window and Door Frames:

Bubble Gum: Fantastik®, Murphy Oil Soa®, Solution of vinegar (30%) and water (70%), Windex®

Crayon: Lestoil®, DAP®

Oil-Based Caulk: Fantastik®

Felt Tip Pen: Fantastik®, water-based cleaners

Grass: Fantastik®, Lysol®, Murphy Oil Soap®, Windex® Lipstick Fantastik®, Murphy Oil Soap®

Lithium Grease: Fantastik®, Lestoil®, Murphy Oil Soap®, Windex®

Mold and Mildew: Fantastik®, Solution of vinegar (30%) and water (70%), Windex®

Motor Oil: Fantastik®, Lysol®, Murphy Oil Soap®, Windex®

Oil: Soft Scrub®

Paint: Brillo® Pad, Soft Scrub®

Pencil: Soft Scrub®

Rust: Fantastik®, Murphy Oil Soap®, Windex®

Tar: Soft Scrub®

Top Soil: Fantastik®, Lestoil®, Murphy Oil Soap®

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