Alex Wu is fascinated by numbers and trading in marketplace. He wants to build a free classified ads site that leverages the power of social networks to facilitate business transactions in his free classifieds social network.
California Students Wins Auto Repair Contest To attract high school students to pursue a career in the auto industry, Ford and the American Automobile Association (AAA) teamed up to stage a contest to find out the best student high school students in auto repair. Called the Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills competition, the event crowned two g... Similar Editorial : Auto Loans for Students by Mark Nikolos. | Source : Auto Repair Tips
Credit Card And Insurance Credit card and insurance are two very important financial services in modern sociaty. In a world that is built on the basis of credit, credit cards is a part of daily life for most ordinary people. Insurance, on the other hand, is something to protect you from uncertainty which may happen unexpectedly to anybody. The idea of insuring the future is now accepted by more and more people. Insurance...... Similar Editorial : Credit Card vs by James H. Dimmitt. | Source : Pre Approved Credit Card
Decorating Your Rooms With Area Rugs Area rugs, such as Tibetan rugs, are the number one decoration choice for many people because of their rich history, enchanting designs, and outstanding collection value. Hanging on the wall or covering the floor, each every single piece of rug is unique with its own story to tell. Choosing the right rug for a given room will have different touch to the living environment, since the appearance of...... Similar Editorial : Practical Mud Rooms by jraynal. | Source : Space Interior Design