Ben Weissman writes articles about using Platform Beds, Daybeds and other Contemporary Bedroom Furniture to Decorate Your Home. You'll find more Bedroom Furniture Design Ideas at . Make your bedroom into a personal retreat!
Can You Update Bedroom Furniture Decor While Keeping It Classic? Are you comfortable with your bedroom furniture? Do you feel that it can last you another ten years, but see that the colors are fading or that the surroundings are less than satisfactory for the 21st century? How can you update the furniture and bedroom decor in your home so that it brings you into the modern era without doing away with all of your classic objects? Here are a few places you can...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Furniture After Divorce by Ben Weissman. | Source : High Chair Cover
How To Keep Your Bedroom Furniture Sparkling! Your bedroom furniture has to be squeaky clean to create that sparkling lively effect in the room. Dusty, stained furniture hardly appeals to the eye. Now, the big question is – what is the best way to clean your treasured modern or classic bedroom furniture?There are many ways to keep your furniture sparkling – dust it, clean it, wax it, or polish it. A lot depends on the finish of your fine...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Furniture After Divorce by Ben Weissman. | Source : High Chair Cover
Bedroom Furniture For A Single Woman - How Sexy Should It Be? Oh the sense of freedom when you first have your own room to decorate! Most women love to decorate and make their room their own, so finally having your own space out of your parents home is a joy unlike any other. But what type of master bedroom furniture should you have in your bedroom? If it's too sexy will it be a turn off? Is red lace going a bit too far?College DormsIf you are moving out of...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Furniture After Divorce by Ben Weissman. | Source : Table Chair Covers
Platform Beds - Long Lasting Or Throw Away Furniture It's been said that no idea is original anymore, and that's usually the case, even in terms of the bedding that we use today. Ancient Egypt and Rome show evidence of having created the first platform beds, and though they've just come into heavy popularity today, they are certainly not the first of their kind. However, with modern techniques and building methods today, one may wonder just how...... Similar Editorial : Pregnancy and Tanning Beds by Adam Murray. | Source : Table Chair Covers
Whats Your Bedroom Furniture Made Of? When you go in search of master bedroom furniture, you're going to find that not all beds are created equal. In fact, many beds are made of different materials. Some are wood beds, while others are made of MDF (medium-density fiberboard). What is the difference in these two materials, and is one more appropriate than another for a particular use or type of bedroom furniture?MDF is an engineered...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Furniture After Divorce by Ben Weissman. | Source : Directors Chairs
The New Bedroom Furniture Colors For The Coming Holidays Everyone aims to be in style and following the latest trends each season. Such aspirations can be difficult to pursue at times, especially if you haven't been following the latest color trends for upcoming events. This holiday season, what will be in style, and how can you make your furniture come to life in a way that reflects the new colors that are in style? Start by evaluating what you have...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Furniture After Divorce by Ben Weissman. | Source : Directors Chairs
Redesigning Your Furniture For Thanksgiving And Christmas What do you have in mind for your home this holiday season? Are you simply going to throw up a few wreaths or spread some silk leaves on the Thanksgiving dinner table, or are you looking for something more in your decorating plans? Because it's the holidays and the spirit is upon us, many people choose to entirely redecorate their homes, and some even purchase new furniture as a Christmas...... Similar Editorial : Redesigning Your Style by k_buchanan32. | Source : Swivel Desk Chair
Amorphous Furniture Design - The Wave Of The Future You've probably noticed that many late model furniture pieces are no longer large and stately, as they were in the past, and many models are not boxy and square as much of the more contemporary styles have been. What you have seen in the most recent furniture designs is a detour from geometrically sound and symmetric design and could be the wave of the future.Amorphous design is a futuristic way...... Similar Editorial : Childrens Furniture by Rony Pollock. | Source : Swivel Desk Chair
Bedroom Furniture After Divorce - Should You Change It? Divorce is an extremely nasty process to go through. Feelings get hurt and, if children are involved, things can get really horrible. But after the dust has settled, the house may end up looking a little bare. The bedroom, especially, will look strange as you get used to having someone else's belongings, possibly including the bedroom furniture, in your private sanctuary. The best advice? Start...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Treason by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Swivel Desk Chair
How Bedroom Furniture Can Create A Stunning Look Have you ever seen those spreads in magazines where a star invites the cameras into their bedroom? The photos are absolutely beautiful, and most of us wish that we had a bedroom that was half as beautiful as that one was. It is possible to have an absolutely gorgeous bedroom, whether you purchase a brand new bedroom set or discount bedroom furniture. All you need is a little imagination, a little...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Furniture After Divorce by Ben Weissman. | Source : Swivel Desk Chair
The Single Mans Bedroom Furniture: Master Of Your Domain There is no being quite like the single man. Single men live an entirely different lifestyle than any other type of human on the planet. They live for the day, focusing on anything that catches their fancy, often switching their interests more frequently than they do their underwear. Most men do not enjoy decorating their house. Sometimes they decorate with things that were purchased for them,...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Furniture After Divorce by Ben Weissman. | Source : Swivel Desk Chair
Least Expensive Bedroom Furniture Materials As you begin to explore furniture stores on your quest to find new furniture for various bedrooms in the house, you'll notice that there are extreme variations in price, even between beds that appear to be similar and of comparable quality. What makes the difference in the price, and what are the least expensive bed materials that you can purchase?If you are looking at discounted bedroom...... Similar Editorial : Furniture Materials by Sarika Kabra. | Source : Swivel Desk Chair
Saving Money With Affordable Furniture Are you in need of new furniture but are on a tight budget and can't afford to blow a lot of money on your new furnishings? You've probably been looking at discount metal beds and other such pieces that seem like a solution for the pocketbook. However, you need to be careful when you search for discount furniture because not everything is the great deal that it seems to be. There are ways to...... Similar Editorial : Saving Money by Darlene Arechederra. | Source : Best Desk Chair
French Bedroom Furniture It's always interesting to follow the trends worldwide in fashion and design, but if you really want to know what the newest styles and ideas are, you should track the developments in Paris. The French are always fashion forward, and Paris is the fashion capital of the world, whether you are talking about clothes or furniture. To be in the know and ahead of the general public, you have to follow...... Similar Editorial : Bedroom Treason by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Best Desk Chair
Can One Mans Trash Really Be My Bedroom Decor Treasure? You've probably never thought about recycled furniture as home decor. In fact, you might be disgusted by the thought of someone picking up your old furniture when you set it out on the curb for trash pickup. However, if you think about it, furniture is recycled all the time, with pieces being sold in garage sales or sent to Goodwill and other charity services for those who are less fortunate. ...... Similar Editorial : Con Mans Rapture by Jack Payne. | Source : Space Interior Design
Affordable Furniture To Go If you cant afford it all at once, purchase piece by piece dont charge it - save up for it. Youll be glad you did when youve had the delayed gratification and are staring your prize in the face... Similar Editorial : 1 Day To Go by Sean Carter. | Source : Where To Go On Family Vacation
Bedroom Furniture Chest Of Drawers Like the mule chest, there is no set design for the media cabinet. Many are geared toward teens while some give you a stylish, sophisticated place to discreetly store electronics and accessories... Similar Editorial : A Chest Of Drawers by Bill William. | Source : Room Furniture