Dr. Edward Wilson has been developing and providing alternative alcohol counseling, including moderation, sincve 1990. He is the co-founder and Clinical Director of Your Empowering Solutions, Inc, located in S. California. http://www.non12.step.com
Changing Alcoholic Behaviors For Good Success at modifying or eliminating a behavior is best approached by studying those who have managed it on their own and emulating their accomplishments. That was the reasoning of researchers James Prochaska, John Norcross, and Carlo DiClemente who did just that, not with alcoholism specifically, but with all types of change. The result of their work was the mapping of the change process through...... Similar Editorial : Living with an alcoholic by . | Source : Drug Rehab
Alcohol Abuse Treatment - Inpatient Or Out-Patient? It is difficult to make a decision to seek treatment for alcohol abuse, dependency, or addiction. But having made that choice it becomes even more confusing when seeking an appropriate type of program. Essentially the first decision comes down to opting for either Inpatient or Out-Patient. First consider In-Patient, commonly referred to as "Residential." Generally these programs run from 30 to 90...... Similar Editorial : With Alcohol Abuse by Christopher Jay. | Source : Drug Rehab
Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Programs: What To Look For In considering treatment options for alcohol abuse, dependence, or addiction you will have first decided between inpatient and outpatient. Except in very rare cases outpatient is your best choice: it is cost effective, minimally disruptive, has continuity, and can adapt to your changing circumstances and needs (see Alcohol Abuse Treatment - Inpatient or Outpatient?). But having decided this...... Similar Editorial : Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment by John Porter. | Source : Drug Rehab
Alcohol Abuse, Abstinence, Moderation: AA 12 Step Alternatives No single idea keeps people from seeking help with their alcohol related problems as much as the mistaken belief that alcohol abuse, dependence, and addiction are always the symptoms of an actual "disease" and that there is only one "cure." However, just as everyone knows someone who currently has problems with alcohol, we also know someone whose problems seemed to disappear. How can a supposedly...... Similar Editorial : What is Abuse by Sam Vaknin. | Source : Drug Rehab
Metamorphism Of Small Software Enterprises Yahoo! Inc. is a global internet communications, commerce and media company. Its principal business activity is to provide broadcast media, communications, business, enterprise and commerce services. Today Yahoo! Inc. is a leading global internet brand and one of the most trafficked Internet destinations worldwide. Yahoo! seeks to provide online products and services essential to users' lives, and...... Similar Editorial : Small Business Accounting Software by Eric Morris. | Source : Information System Management
Wilson Fuel Company For Learning & Talent Truro, Nova Scotia-based Wilson Fuel Company Limited has selected SumTotal® Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUMT), a global provider of talent and learning management solutions, to deliver regulatory training to a rapidly growing, geographically dispersed network of Wilson Fuel employees. Wilsons is Atlantic Canada's largest independent gas retailer as well as a provider of fuel for home heating. The...... Similar Editorial : Fuel Index by Ramakrishna Pochiraju. | Source : Sample Employee Performance Review
Furbaby Heroes Information Animal lovers are not disappointed to see more and more dogs making the news!Not long ago, we were amazed to hear of a German- Shepherd mix who limped his way to an emergency room waiting room, after being hit by a car on a busy Los Angeles road. The guards tried to remove him, but he lay down and stayed put. They then realized he was hurt. They were unable to help him, but called a Veterinarian’s...... Similar Editorial : DUI Law Information by DUI Information Association. | Source : German Shepherd Dog Mix
How To 12 Step Its the best insurance you can get against a return to the bad old days. Yes, you will be tempted occasionally, but having a life which has no room for alcohol is the best way to keep it locked out... Similar Editorial : How To 12 Step by Edward Wilson. | Source : What Is Counseling Psychology