Kari is an investor, entrepreneur, and writer. Her most recent venture is the popular Sweetly You Bath and Body company. Send a unique and personalized Bath & Body Gift Today!
Why People Wear Perfumes And Other Fragrances Scented oils, perfumes and other fragrances have been adorned by people since early civilization. Today, fragrances can be found all around, from scented candles, to all your favorite bath and body products. There are numerous reasons why people wear perfumes, but ultimately it boils down to the fa... Similar Editorial : Anniversary Gifts and Perfumes by Mike Yeager. | Source : Basic Cosmetics
Automate You Money Management And Save Frankly, we all like things to be easy. We want our diets to work without our involvement and our food cooked for us. Then when we do get motivated to take action, we must battle the perpetual tendency to forget and fall back on our routines. I personally know that if I stored ice cream and a bowl next to my bed, a quart would rarely last a day, but the same quart can last months in the freezer,...... Similar Editorial : Automate Your Web Business by David Coyne. | Source : Singapore Dollars
The Envelope System: A Simple And Effective Budget As a newlywed couple, my husband and I made the same mistake many young couples do when they first get married - we had no budget plan. At first, it didn't seem necessary because our income was modest, and our living expenses were very simple. I was finishing my last year of college and worked a part-time job and my husband was finishing his doctorate and had found a nice full time job in his...... Similar Editorial : Car GPS System by Muna wa Wanjiru. | Source : Money Market Return
Budgeting Through The Envelope System As a newlywed couple, my husband and I made the same mistake many young couples do when they first get married - we had no budget plan. At first, it didn't seem necessary because our income was modest, and our living expenses were very simple. I was finishing my last year of college and worked a part-time job and my husband was finishing his doctorate and had found a nice full time job in his...... Similar Editorial : The Empty Envelope by Julie Jordan Scott. | Source : Money Transfer Account
Are Your Finance Manager And Family Manager Working Together? It is well documented that money is one of the biggest catalysts for marriage problems. I believe the root of money problems in marriage is directly linked to a lack of communication on the subject coupled with differences of opinion by husband and wife or all members of the family. Differences of opinion are to be expected. All of us have different opinions about money, especially how it should...... Similar Editorial : Agent or Manager by Sacreeta Veneficus. | Source : Auto Finance Manager
Selling A Home On Lease Option When buying a home, there is more than one way to finance the home. Most people arrange financing with a bank, called the mortgage. Instead of borrowing the money from the bank, it is also possible to borrow the money from the home seller. This is known as an owner financed transaction. Another way to get into a home is to promise to buy the home with a mortgage in the future and make monthly...... Similar Editorial : Selling Your Home by Michelle Annese. | Source : Buying A Home Cost
How Fragrances Affect Home And Relationships Scented oils and perfumes have found a central role in our daily lives - from showering and getting dressed to scenting a home or feeling sexy. Fragrances can be found and are used everywhere for specific reasons. In our lives, the sue of fragrances can create a warm, inviting home for our family and strengthen the relationship between husband and wife.Just as certain scents can invoke pleasant...... Similar Editorial : Build Relationships by George Torok. | Source : Couples Intimacy
Change The Atmosphere Of Your Home Scented oils and perfumes have found a central role in our daily lives - from showering and getting dressed to scenting a home or feeling sexy. Fragrances are everywhere for very specific reasons in our lives and it is the use of these fragrances that creates a warm, inviting home for our family and strengthens the relationship between husband and wife.Just as certain scents can invoke pleasant...... Similar Editorial : Creating A Cool Atmosphere by k_buchanan32. | Source : Dating Violence
Cheap, Romantic, Getaways For Two It happens all the time – you're young, married, blissfully happy, and virtually penniless. You've taken your honeymoon already, but a few months later find yourselves in desperate need for a quick getaway. Although, how can you afford it? Hotels are expensive and a nice Bed and Breakfast is way out of your budget. Not true. You'd actually be surprised at the number of high-quality, affordable...... Similar Editorial : Cheap GPS by Muna wa Wanjiru. | Source : Passports San Francisco
How To Avoid Depreciation In Your Car The average car will cost you between $650 and $850 a month because of the car payment, insurance, gasoline, and maintenance. The largest depreciating asset you will probably buy. There are ways to reduce these costs, but can you avoid auto depreciation altogether? There is little you can do to stop depreciation, though the one thing you can control is how much you buy your car for and somewhat...... Similar Editorial : Avoid the by Monte Penney. | Source : Car Hire Cork
A Personal Financial Statement You will ultimately do with your money that which makes you happy, this is the nature of people, but in deciding what makes you happy, remember that a negative opinion of money will negatively impact ...... Similar Editorial : Avoid the by Monte Penney. | Source : How To Handle Finances Pg. 137
Lease With Option Homes However, if you are comfortable with other people living in the home, have a decent interest rate on your current mortgage, and are investment oriented, a lease option may be just right for you as th...... Similar Editorial : Homes With Lease Option by Marty Orefice. | Source : Sell Home Pg. 2