Onion, Garlic And Other Peoples Bad Breath Remember the last time you chewed a mint gum, and how fresh your mouth felt? Do you remember how long that freshness lasted? A couple hours, maybe -- 1-2 hrs max -- before you had to pop in another gum? It felt like a subconscious act, reaching for that box of mints and popping in as required. Use as directed.Now remember the last time you ate an onion bulb or some garlic cloves? A weird thing to...... Similar Editorial : Peeling the Onion by Vin Domino. | Source : Stop Bad Breath
Whats An Unlocked Gsm Phone? GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communications. And an Unlocked Phone is a GSM cell phone that accepts the SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) card of any compatible network carrier.Which means, if you have a GSM phone like Sony Ericsson P990i or Motorola RAZR V3 from Cingular (a GSM-compatible carrier) and you decide one day to shift to T-Mobile (another GSM-compatible carrier), all...... Similar Editorial : Unlocked Phones by Steve Manik. | Source : Cordless Phone Speed Dial
How Mobile TV Technology Works Mobile TV has been around since 2002, but it was the demo for the Nokia N92 handheld in 2005 that brought the idea into the mainstream.BBC was one of a handful of channels broadcasted during that demo, and while the idea itself was a natural evolution of market expectations, it was also, expectedly, a revolution for the cell phone industry.The Nokia N92 could beam full motion video at 30 frames /...... Similar Editorial : Technology mobile phone by Sanjeevkumar. | Source : Cordless Phone Speed Dial
What Is A Wifi Internet Phone? For long, free services like Skype have been associated with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) -- i.e., using your computer and a broadband internet line to make long-distance phone calls. Basically, what you used to pay for before came to you for free.However, the main problem with such a service was, you had to be connected to a computer to place the call, and be right there for the duration...... Similar Editorial : Notebook And Wifi Standards by Roberto Sedycias. | Source : Voip Telephone System
Cell Phone Basics - About Your Wireless Buddy There are about 100 million cell phone users in America today, with thousands more jumping on to the bandwagon every day. But despite its popularity, many users are still clueless about the technology (or ideas) behind this indispensable device. So allow me to present you a quick-n-easy crash course -- the 4 must-know things about your wireless buddy:1. Wireless ServicesThere are 3 kinds of...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phone by Roberto Sedycias. | Source : Cell Phone Cases Samsung
Cell Phone Radiation - Is It Really That Bad? Long before Stephen King wrote his bestseller The Cell, the seemingly innocuous cell phone had already become an object of hushed and hysterical discussion.They said cell phones could be used to remotely detonate a bomb.They said cell phones distracted drivers from the wheel and caused mangled highway pile-ups.They said cell phones make men sterile and their heads go bald.They even talked about...... Similar Editorial : The Cell Phone by ishezad. | Source : Cell Phone Cases Samsung
How Cell Phones Saved 2 Lives In A Vietnamese Hospital When you think about cell phones, the images that pop up in your mind are those of cutting-edge technology -- streaming video, voice recognition, push email, high-speed Internet, mobile TV... and more.But can you ever recall a cell phone saving someone's life... or even creating life, based on your point of view? Well, here's what happened in April/May 2007, and it's anything but high-tech. In...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phones by Anne King. | Source : Rate Cell Phone Plans
Is Your Cell Phone Battery Failing? 'My battery keeps getting low when I need it...''But I recharged it just this morning...''What's the heck's wrong with this battery...?''It's just a year old... How can it fail?'These are common complaints, and the reason, we often conclude, is that it's the manufacturer's fault.Fact is, cell phone technology has grown rapidly over the past 4-5 years, but battery technology just hasn't kept pace....... Similar Editorial : Cell Phone Battery Chargers by Kevin Stith. | Source : Rate Cell Phone Plans
How To Unlock Your Gsm Cell Phone A lot of people ask if it's legal to unlock your cell phone, and the simple answer is - Yes! You can unlock your cell phone.Firstly, it's your phone. And secondly, when you buy it, it is in fact in an unlocked state. That's the default state in which most GSM phones come in.And, as far as the carrier (service provider) is concerned, if you're already on a calling plan and locked into a 1-2 year...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phone by Roberto Sedycias. | Source : Rate Cell Phone Plans
Free Cell Phone - What Exactly Is It All About? Free Cell Phones... Like they were hot dogs or something. But the fact is, these aren't uncommon.Sites out there that review cell phones have these little drop-down boxes in a form, where you can specify your requirements -- the model name, features, some extras, and most importantly, the cost of the cell phone you want to purchase. And when you enter these choices, bingo! you get your calling,...... Similar Editorial : Free Cell Phones by Daryl Plaza. | Source : Rate Cell Phone Plans
Mobile Tv On Phone You may have a satellite TV in your living room, but mobile TV is like have a satellite system right in your phone! -- The future of mobile entertainment, playing live in the palm of your hands... Similar Editorial : Free Cell Phones by Daryl Plaza. | Source : Bioshock Xbox 360 Guide