What Can Be Done About The High Gas Prices? We've all watched them over the past several months and the gas prices just continue to get higher and higher. So what can we do? We don't want to be dependent on foreign oil anymore, so the option of walking, riding a bicycle, etc is only a temporary solution to our problem. However there ... Similar Editorial : High Gas Prices by Brian L. Thomas. | Source : Fuel Consumption
Algae Biodiesel The Fuel Of The Future Most American consumers have been hit hard by soaring gas prices, and many people from individuals to research firms are searching for an alternative fuel source that is renewable, economical, and environmentally friendly. Biodiesel made from crops such as corn and soybeans is one such alternative that most people are aware of, but another option, algae biodiesel, is one of the newest and most...... Similar Editorial : The String Algae Blues by Brett Fogle. | Source : Lg Shine Phone
Reasons For Getting Long Term Health Care Insurance If you are like most people, you do not want to be a burden to your loved ones as you age. As people are now living longer than ever before, many are living until their children approach retirement age. The last thing any parent wants to do is to burden their own children with their care.You and your spouse have a 70 percent chance that one of you will need long term care at least once in your...... Similar Editorial : Short Term Health Insurance by Robert. | Source : Blue Shield Dental Insurance
Best Cash For Gold The best cash gifting program will speak to you through how you feel in your gut so take in a great deal of information and then decide what works for you... Similar Editorial : A Cash For Gold by Anne Tide.