Steven Presar is a recognized small business technology coach, Internet publisher, author, speaker, and trainer. He provides personal, home, and computer security solutions at He provides business software reviews at In addition, he publishes articles for starting and running a small business at Be sure to sign-up for the SOHO newsletter.
Hard Drive Data Removal Ways To Cleanups Hard Drives “Renew Your Hard Drive: Here are the Simple and Easy Ways toCleanup your Hard Drive”By Steven PresarYou know that a regularly scheduled simple maintenance mayhelp keep your computer in shape. There are plenty ofthird-party programs to help you keep your computer in peakform.However, Microsoft Windows provides you with a solid toolboxof built-in programs to help you keep your computer inshape....... Similar Editorial : Hard Drives Explained by Peter Stewart. | Source : Computer Hardware
Setup Firewall Protection “If You Had Problems in the Past with a Computer Virus,Then You'll Want to Know How Easy it is to Setup FirewallProtection”By Steven PresarYou know the basics of computer virus protection -- don'topen email attachments' from senders that you do not know. If you follow this simple rule, your computer will be saferthan most.But a few weeks ago, a computer worm called “sasser”, causedhavoc with...... Similar Editorial : Printer Setup Utility by Henry Neal. | Source : Microsoft Adware Removal
Prevent Identity Theft By Checking Your Credit Report These three major credit reporting companies, maintain aprofile of how you pay your bills, what type of mortgageloan you qualify for and whether you've been sued or filedfor bankruptcy.However, this free credit reporting service is not availablein all areas of the United States yet.The service has been available in the twelve western UnitedStates since January 1, 2005. It is now available...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Credit Score