Break Out Of A Summer Slump The summer months can be hard on a home business. Distractions abound ? the kids are home, the temperatures are balmy, and there are just so many other things to do. Plus, the summer months tend to be slower for business anyway ? because those same summer distractions are affecting your customers, t... Similar Editorial : In a Slump by Richard Vegas. | Source : Online Home Base Business
A Weight Loss Success Formula: 12 Quick Tips Follow these twelve simple tips to kickstart (or reinvigorate) your weight loss program. 1. Write down your weight loss goals. Make sure each goal is realistic, and that you have included a time line. Break down larger long-term goals into monthly or weekly goals so you can stay on track... Similar Editorial : The DJ Success Formula by NormanFreeman. | Source : Weight Loss Medication
Tips For Budget Travel For Families No question, you can drop thousands of dollars on a one week getaway, but you certainly do not have to. If you know a few simple secrets, you can stay within your budget and still enjoy an exciting, unforgettable trip with the kids. All it takes is a little creativity and knowledge. Here... Similar Editorial : Budget Travel Tips by Barbara Freedman-de Vito. | Source : Family Vacations
Cheer Yourself Up: 25 Instant Mood Lifters The blues overtake us all from time to time. Here are 25 quick ways to pick up your spirits. 1. Keep a running list of inspiring quotes and uplifting jokes. Refer to them when you need to. 2. Call a friend and ask her to tell you her favorite joke. 3. Think about ... Source : Overcoming Insecurity
Self-Confidence Building When your self-confidence soars, everything benefits - your body, your relationships, possibly even your pocketbook. Here are six simple things you can do today to build your self-confidence. 1. Listen to the way you talk to yourself. Experts say that a full 70 to 80% of our ... Source : Find Life Purpose
Natural Makeup Looks & Natural Make Up Tips Cosmetics can help you put your best face forward. They can emphasize the features that are naturally attractive and that set you apart. But wearing too much makeup (or applying it incorrectly) can have the opposite effect. Here are six tips to help you use makeup to enhance your features while letting the natural you shine through. 1. When it comes to makeup, less really is more. How do you know...... Similar Editorial : Natural Self by Jennifer Rodriguez-Allen. | Source : Ayurveda Health
How To Save Money On Office Supplies Setting up an office, whether it's at home or in an office building, can get very pricey. Between your desk, printer table, chairs and other necessary accessories, you may think it's impossible to furnish your office for cheap. You also have to contend with daily office supplies like paper and printer ink that can eat away at your budget. The following resources and ideas will help you run your...... Similar Editorial : London Office Supplies by Robert Griffith. | Source : Government Savings Bonds
Seven Quick Tips For Saving Money On Furniture Furnishing your home is one of the most expensive processes you can go through, but it doesn't have to be. Buying furniture at a discount will allow you to save money and still have a great looking house. All it takes is a little know how and some willingness to be patient enough to find a good deal. Saving money on furniture is all about knowing the right places to buy. There are several...... Similar Editorial : Tips on Saving Money by teahupoo. | Source : Cheap Chair
Discounts On Outdoor Furniture Spring and summer mean the return of barbecues and enjoying the great outdoors with friends and neighbors, and a nice set of patio furniture can make all the difference in your comfort when entertaining and dining al fresco. While a quality patio set can be expensive, it certainly doesn't have to be. By shopping smart, you can save on your purchase. Here are five tips for securing the best price...... Similar Editorial : Outdoor furniture covers by Roger King. | Source : Cheap Chair
Fathers Day Traditions A father's love is a powerful force. Here are ten meaningful family traditions to help you celebrate Dad this Father's Day. 1. Make sure Dad knows that this is his day and that you will be spending time as a family doing whatever he wishes. If you have younger kids in the house, ask them to make him a crown that he can wear on his big day. 2. Let the kids make Dad breakfast and send it up to him...... Similar Editorial : Wedding Ring Traditions by sarahbaltic. | Source : Fatherhood
Fathers Day Gift Ideas For Your Husband Father's Day is a special time to celebrate and honor our dads, who do so much. Here are nine tips for helping your kids give a Father's Day gift he'll remember for years to come. 1. The best Father's Day gifts are those that celebrate the paternal relationship as well as those that give a child and a father something to share in together. If Dad loves to ride his bicycle, plan a family bike ride...... Similar Editorial : Fathers Day Gift Baskets by Ken Marlborough. | Source : Fatherhood
Finding The Best Running Shoes When you run or jog, the effectiveness of your entire workout depends on your feet. Your shoes support and protect your feet, and your choice of shoe will affect your entire workout. Here are some tips to make sure you choose the running shoe that's right for you. The first step in picking the right shoe is figuring out your exact size. Even if you think you know your shoe size, you want to make...... Similar Editorial : Choosing The Right Shoes by Mike Yeager. | Source : Run Distance