About Writer Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites, such as http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com, which have a lot of information on home based natural cures for some of the most common illnesses.
Body Massage: The Healing Touch Most of us experience this feeling of just giving up our fatigued bodies to a masseur who will massage away all the aches and pains caused by physical stress and mental tensions. The pain just seems to vanish out of your system once it is their expert hands. If you keep dreaming about this on your l... Similar Editorial : Massage Therapy by Rachel Broune. | Source : Alternative Medicine Guide
Fats Explained Fats provide a concentrated store of energy in the body. Weight for weight they provide twice as much energy as do either carbohydrates or proteins. If you eat too much of any of these three basic food materials your body can store the surplus as fat. A lot has been said about the advantages of vege... Similar Editorial : Burn Fats Not Muscle by ChrisChew. | Source : Universal Health Care
Anorexia Nervosa- An Eating Disorder! Anorexia can be termed or also mean as person who has lost his/her appetite. It can be seen as a form of disease which is very harmful posing a threat to your life. This is a voluntary starving process wherein people kill their desire to eat and end up starving oneself. There are many components whi... Similar Editorial : Help for Anorexia Nervosa by darkforces. | Source : Obesity Treatment
Working Principles Behind Yoga Yoga is a sacred practice and a healing tool of growth and transformation. It honors the individuals spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical process of human evolution. Yoga gives you the courage to undertake your own journey towards the Self. Yoga fills you with a feeling of coming home. Y... Similar Editorial : Principles of Yoga by JACKIE. | Source : Yoga Postures
Ustraasana - The Camel Pose Yoga - which means 'to unite' in Sanskrit - is an ancient Indian system of health and fitness. Widely considered as one of the best methods to achieving holistic health, fitness and battling stress. The regular practice of yoga ensures a healthy and active life well into a ripe old age, claim expe... Source : Basic Yoga
How To Practice Meditation Meditation is the most important practice for calming the mind. A calm mind can lead a healthy, happy and successful life. It can cure the diseases and speed up the healing process. We describe the simple technique below called prana-dharana. Prana in Sanskrit stands for the air that we breathe. It ... Similar Editorial : Self Meditation by Dr John Anne. | Source : Advanced Yoga
Karma Yoga - The Art Of Living The ancient book of Gita, which is the treatise on the living has led a great stress on the karma. Karma is defined as the action and its fruits. Ancient Hindu saints have believed that a man's life is the direct result of his karma. Good thoughts, words and deeds lead to good and happy life while ... Similar Editorial : Yoga is by JACKIE. | Source : Advanced Yoga
Baddha Konasana - A Great Asana For Hip And Groin Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) is also known as the Cobbler's Pose because of the similarity to a cobblers sitting position. It is an excellent asana which helps your groin and hip position. It is a forward bending asana which starts off from Staff Pose or Dandasana. You have to bend your knees... Similar Editorial : Baddha Konasana by Sharon Hopkins. | Source : Yoga Equipment
Benefits Of Performing - Standing Head To Knee Yoga Pose Dandayamana Janushirasana is also known as Standing Head to Knee Pose. The core need for this asana is to maintain balance. With the sense of balance you tend to be a determined person from within. Your level of patience is also kept in check by doing this asana. It is a mind and body unison which c... Similar Editorial : Benefits to RSS by Sharon Housley. | Source : Yoga Equipment
Marjaraasana - For Sound Physical And Mental Health Yoga today is all the rage. It is a subject that excites people's curiosity and enjoys much popularity. This is especially so since the asanas (exercises) and pranayamas (breathing techniques) that owe their origins to ancient Indian wisdom have proved beneficial in promoting holistic health and me... Source : Yoga Equipment
Benefits And Importance Of Bhujangasana Bhujangasana is known as the snake or cobras pose because it reflects the look of a raised hood. As you raise your head along with your chest it represents a snake hood. The rest of the body lies down representing the body of the snake. This asana can be one of the best asanas for your back as well ... Similar Editorial : The Importance of Fathers by Rexanne Mancini. | Source : Yoga Equipment
Benefits And Importance Of Adho Mukha Svanasana When we take each word of this asana and look for the meaning it comes out to be a very simple word. "Adho Mukh" means facing downwards and "Svana" means a dog. This would mean facing downwards dog pose. This pose matches to a dog that stretches himself with its front and back legs. Therefore th... Similar Editorial : The Importance of Fathers by Rexanne Mancini. | Source : Yoga Equipment
Anuloma-Viloma - Yogic Breathing For Better Health Swami Kuvalyanand once said: "Yoga has a message for the human body, for the human mind and the human spirit." This is a truism as a healthy body is the prime requisite for success and happiness in life. People are increasingly being convinced that yoga makes for good health, contentme... Source : Ashtanga Yoga
Improve Your Eyesight With Trataka Eyes are the windows of the soul and you can see what a person is up to by looking into his eyes. Hence it is important to have clean eyesight. In yoga, trataka is a technique devised by the ancient sages to improve the eyesight. It is a shuddhikriya or purification process to cleanse the eyesight a... Similar Editorial : How To Improve Semen by Amy Guven. | Source : Ashtanga Yoga
What Is Mantra Yoga? This means chanting of phrases, words which when chanted in full attention and could give you a sense of calmness and tranquility. It can also be stated as the achievement of the ultimate salvation by the chanting of verses. Most of the chants and phrases in Vedas are used for this purpose. ... Similar Editorial : Yoga is by JACKIE. | Source : Ashtanga Yoga