Children And Self-Expression
by Veronica Scott.There is nothing more important to childhood development than self-expression. A child must be able to express what he or she wants and how he or she feels with freedom and safety. Children that do not grow up in an environment of respect, love, and ...
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Best For Baby Is The Best For You
by Jon Caldwell.Teething is a common issue that newly born infants encounter in the course of their entry to the new world. Some babies go through the normal process of adapting to the new environment and the start of growth of their teeth may be very much uncomfort...
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Buying The Best Stuff For Your Child
by Jon Caldwell.Babies would often care less of where they find themselves during their infant years. The only thing that they can closely appreciate is perhaps color and the themes chosen by their parents. In most cases, parents would prefer the themes associated w...
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Ready or Not, Here They Go
by Yana Berlin.Another year, another strand of gray hair, and as shocking as it may seem, your child will be moving away to start her first year of college. You sit and reminisce on how, what only seems to be yesterday, you taught your baby to hold a spoon, tie her...
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How to Help Your Child to Behave Well
by Catherine Calder.'I don't know why Mummy is always shouting at me. I don’t think I am being bad, but she shouts at me anyway. I try to help but that gets me shouted at as well.' Could this be your child? Does it feel like all you do is yell at her? Life does n...
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Jogging Stroller Running Tips
by Kerry Johnston.A Jogging stroller is a fun and healthy way for you to exercise with baby. However, a little planning will also make it simple and easy. Planning ahead means thinking about your fitness level, baby's health, exercises to choose, and where you want t...
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Safety During Baby’s Bath
by Nicole Munoz.You’ve done it. You’re kid’s finally not scared of the tub, gets the time of his life during bath, splashing water on himself and on you and sees bath time as a great opportunity to play, wonder and explore.However, your job as parent regarding...
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Five Ways To Keep Our Kids Off Death Row
by Michael Mehas.In an instant, it could all be over. A parent's worst nightmare. A situation that could ruin our lives forever. Everything we'd ever worked for, everything we’d ever dreamed of, everything we'd spent a lifetime building for ourselves and our famili...
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Oh, You Are Just Spoiled Rotten!
by Phil Girouard.If you've ever called your own child spoiled rotten, you should be ashamed of yourself. Call someone else's kid that, no problem, but not your own. Why? Because all we can see of someone else's child is a result, and it may be disturbing. Whereas in ...
How To Choose A Baby Monitor
by Tom Hackett.With hundreds of different models, it’s hard to choose the right one. Factors such as your location and lifestyle will influence your decision. Do you need audio/video or audio only? 40 MHZ or 90 MHZ? Read on to find out.The baby monitor is a wo...
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Raising Your "Spirited Child"
by Kelly Nault Matzen.Over 200 pairs of eyes are glued to me as a spirited child screams, "ORDER ME MY MEAL NOW!"This child has refused to order his own hamburger (as he has done many times before) and when I calmly tell him he can either order it himself, or go home with...
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Raise Your Kids Right
by James Kronefield.To Get What You ExpectYour parenting style is the most likely way you will impact how your child grows up. In being responsive to your children, you are simultaneously setting clear rules and limits for your children. This is crucial for you as a par...
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Choosing a Childcare Provider
by Steven Lampert.When you begin your search for a childcare provider, particularly if you are using an online nanny site, you will quickly find that there are many different terms that are used within the industry, including "nanny," "babysitter," "au pair," and "hom...
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Good Reasons To Join A Baby Group
by Phil Wheatley.At the very beginning, you may have some help at home with the baby from a partner, possibly on paternity leave, but after that, many Mothers find themselves at home for long periods of time. It can be very tiring and it can feel like you never have...
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