Lines are very important for composing for photography. The lines should always be looked at and thoroughly thought about when taking photographs. Where do these lines in the photograph lead the viewers eyes to? Is it relevant for the effect you are going for?
Think of various examples of pictures that have lines in them. The pictures of roads shows the lines of the road and how they approach a point in the distant area. These are very strong lines that lead the viewers eyes. Or think of the lines in alley ways and how they could be used to lead to some object of importance.
It is actually really easy to start using lines in your compositions effectively. Try to have the lines actually lead to an object of interest. Having the lines lead to an object that is of no importance is very bad photography. Be sure the lines are used for a reason besides to look good.
There are many different lines everywhere. Not all are as obvious as the road lines. You can use the lines of peoples bodies and position models so that the lines of their shoulders lead to their face. Or if they are sitting down have their legs lines point to their face.
One of the best way to see how lines is used is by looking at how the pro photographers take their pictures. See how they use the lines in their photographs and try some of the techniques that they do. And don't go complex when using lines. A few lines is enough. Keeping it simple is always better than having millions of lines.
The best way to start getting better at noticing the lines for photography is to start opening your eyes and looking for lines. When you walk around see the lines and see how they could be photographed. Notice how certain lines lead to certain areas and how if you moved a little the lines would lead an entirely different place.
Also, look at magazines and photos everywhere. You'll really begin to see all the lines that are used in photos. Do not just look for straight lines but curved lines as well. The reason that lines can help you with photos is that they can add more impact and direction to your photo. It actually points the viewer to a place to look towards. And having a photo that is clear and has a focal point of interest that is really easy to see is usually a good thing.
So be sure to use lines the right way in your photos. Even if you do not realize it, you are using lines in your photos. Making sure that they are used to your advantage will yield much better results.