The hardest part of writing any type of literature is the first sentence. When you look at the project as a whole, it can seem like an insurmountable task. A book, especially an electronic book that will be viewed by millions of people, can be an intimidating obstacle; even to an expert author.
The key to writing an e-book is to break it down into smaller more manageable tasks. That means that writing the book from beginning to end in order will be an unlikely scenario. If you think of mountain climbing, the task is similar: you can't scale it without taking your first step. You can sit around and plan it; but no matter how good the plan is, you will never reach the peak if you forget to simply take your first step towards it.
So how do you stay motivated during such a strenuous and drawn-out project? The idea is to outline the book, but to focus on one section at a time. It doesn't even have to be written in order. It is important to write at times where you have bursts of information. For example, I have not written my own e-book yet; but I plan to. So where will I start?
Let's think about this for a minute. Go visit my author profile (after reading this article of course!). What you will find is a string of articles (Visit "The Key to Site Exposure" for relevant information related to this article).
Those are my steps. I haven't started writing my book yet...but I've started writing my steps. In fact, I have a whole list of topics that I would like to cover; but just like skipping over the hard multiple choice questions on an exam, I only write on the ones that I know and have a clear understanding. The more difficult articles will come later when I WANT to write them and after I have unintentionally stumbled across a host of information through simple trial and error (even while trying to research other topics!).
In addition to writing articles, I have a newsletter with many subscribers that I write to almost daily. This keeps my writing skills sharpened and my content expanding. I can also use this material at a later date when I feel it is time to assemble my e-book. I'm not worried and you shouldn't be either; that is, as long as you are getting some form of interesting content out there: content that falls under the same subject or category as your passion and something you would like to later compile a book on.
If you want to start outlining your book, please keep a few key features in mind without worrying about the detail to a further extent at this point in time:
* Does your book present useful information and is
that information currently relevant?
* Will your book positively affect the lives of your
* Is your book dynamic and will it keep the reader's
* Does you book answer questions that are meaningful
and significant?
If you can answer yes to these questions, you can feel confident about the potential of your e-book; even if you haven't compiled it yet. Just keep those simple points in mind when writing any type of article or letter to your audience. Don't just sell them, provide the right benefits for their needs (and hopefully ENJOY it too!).
Start writing, start publishing, and don't stop. You will be amazed at how soon you will become in expert in your field and qualified to your list for writing (and SELLING) your first e-book. I believe in you; you should too!