The advent of the computer, as anyone can tell you, certainly brought with it benefits of such proportions we could never have previously imagined them. But, as with anything, the good always comes with the bad. The computer, while handing us the world, has also exposed us to the dangers of it. Part of the danger, exclusive to the operation of computers, is exposure to viruses that can wipe out our hard drives, render our software unusable, and in some cases, completely eradicate normal function of our computers. For most of us, who store personal, professional, and even legal information on our computers, virus exposure can be devastating. Luckily, most people employ the use of antivirus software that protects our computers from attack; much like hiring a bodyguard. And while some software can come at a hefty price, there is free antivirus software available on the market today.
Free antivirus software can protect your computer without you having to pay a large price for software purchase or download. This free antivirus software should protect your computer from all forms of viruses and prevent the entry of anything that will damage your internal and external systems.
Keep in mind however, that free antivirus software still comes at a price. And the price is being unsure as to the quality and effectiveness of the software. Reputable computer and software manufacturers all offer their own variety of antivirus software available for purchase. And because of their standing in the industry - and the fact that you are paying for the software - the quality of the product is assured. Manufacturers of this sort have a vested interest in standing behind their products and designing software that will effectively protect and serve their customers.
Those companies - mostly found on the Internet - that offer free antivirus software do so at risk to the consumer. If getting free antivirus software makes the most sense for your financial position right now, then do so with consideration to the reputation and reliability of the company.
Free antivirus software will provide you with a minimum of protection in the short run; but when you are able, you should invest in proper and thorough antivirus protection.