Calorie Cutting Tips

By: leong82
One of the best ways to lose body fat is by cutting calories. It is proven by research and science that the more calories an individual take in, the more calories their body must use up to prevent gaining weight, especially body fat. If an individual eat lesser calories than they burn, they will lose body fat. So, in the nutshell, losing weight is reducing calorie intake. Do not panic, fortunately, there are plenty of easy and realistic methods in reducing calories without sacrificing a healthy or delicious meal.

Most of the weight loss diets are just a temporary way of losing weight. In order for an individual to reduce calories and convert to a healthy diet, they need to make huge and long lasting changes. Avoiding whole food groups by deprivation or drastically limiting food consumption is not the best way in which to do it. The best and most recommended way to reduce calorie intake is to do it in slow and small ways that will not going to be hard to practice, but have good results. Here are some fantastic ways to cut calories without losing out.

Cutting Calories Tip 1

Fat and calories are two very different things. Certain food may be low in fat, but actually, they are loaded with calories. Remember, always read the labels before buying them to make sure that the food is really low in calories.

Cutting Calories Tip 2

Be creative. Use low calorie ingredients to make your favorite traditional dishes. You can easily replace fatty and unhealthy ingredients with healthy low calorie ones in the recipes. Most low calorie food taste just as good as their counter parts.

Cutting Calories Tip 3

Choose lean meats. Choosing lean cuts over fatty ones and trimming the excess fat and taking off the skin from the meat can help you cut down loads of unwanted calories without changing much of the taste.

Cutting Calories Tip 4
Consume low calorie dairy instead of the full cream ones. Little that you realize, by taking low fat dairies, you are able to cut down calories easily. You do not have to change all your dairies to low fat ones, try different low calorie options to see which taste best. One may not like low fat cheese but loves low fat milk.

Cutting Calories Tip 5

Have a meatless meal once or twice a week. Meat contains loads of calories and not to mention the cholesterol. Taking one or two meatless meal a week can help you reduce calories tremendously without mentally affecting you.

Cutting Calories Tip 6

Empty calories are useless calories, so avoid them. You can get empty calories from foods that have no nutritional value at all. A fantastic example of an empty calorie food is soda. Soda contains lots of calories but its not nutritious at all. It also contains lots of sugar and flavoring which is unhealthy for the body.

Cutting Calories Tip 7

Control that alcohol intake. Alcohol is also an empty calorie food. Besides being a useless food, alcohol is also a food that can be consumed without paying much attention being paid to how much they are consuming.
Drinking responsibly is a good thing for everyone, with the added bonus for the waistline.
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