Increase Success By Writing It All Down The pen has incredible power. History has shown that it has the ability to take people to the highest of levels. It also has been used to completely destroy individuals. There is an old saying that claims 'the pen is mightier than the sword'. Regardless of the validity of this statement, it is... Similar Editorial : Writing Success by Scott Lindsay. | Source : Leadership Tips
Develop A Winners Attitude Is your attitude in line with success? Or do you have an attitude that almost guarantees failure before you even begin? This is perhaps the most important area to clarify if you indeed want to attain a high degree of success. There is a definitive difference between the attitudes of th... Similar Editorial : Got Attitude by Kathryn Lord. | Source : Cover Letter Guide
A 2-step Plan To Paying Off Debt Millions of people are strapped financially because of massive debt. Revolving credit is reaching record levels. The majority of individuals with high credit card balances pay only the monthly minimum. Of course, we have all heard how long it takes to pay off the debt when remitting this amount. To compound the problem, the banks raise the limits once an individual shows consistency in making...... Source : Card Credit Debt Management
Stop Exchanging Time For Money Most people exchange their time for money. Their entire compensation package is determined by the number of hours that they work in a given week. Typically, an hourly wage is set which is multiplied by the total hours worked during that time period. The standard in this country is 40 hours with overtime accumulated after that. One's complete paycheck is contingent upon them showing up for work...... Similar Editorial : Stop Wasting Time by MarkVictorHansen. | Source : Dollars To Euros Rate
3 Myths About Saving We are a nation of debtors. All the statistics over the past decade point to this. The savings rate is at an all-time low. At no point in our nation's history have we saved less money. At the same time, we also have used credit to supplement our spending, pushing this to an all-time high. The result is lots of people in financial turmoil. Unfortunately, part of reversing this dilemma is to...... Similar Editorial : Boating Myths by News Canada. | Source : Payments Services
3 Steps To Financial Freedom Financial freedom is something that many people desire. With advancements in technology, it has never been easier for someone to realize their financial dreams. Nevertheless, the majority never come close to reaching this destination. In fact, studies have shown that most are financially desolate by the age of 65. This is incredible since people over $1 million in earnings throughout their...... Similar Editorial : Financial Freedom by JACKIE. | Source : International Finance Corporation
Success: Letting Go Of Old Ideas There are a lot of things that are taught to us when we are growing up. Our main influences tend to be parents or other relatives, teachers, and friends. As we get into the workforce, we can add co-workers to the mix of people who provide us with lessons. Most people tend to be excellent students of life, learning exactly what they are shown. Unfortunately, what we are taught often gets us...... Similar Editorial : Your Success by Frank Schmidt. | Source : Stories Of Success
Develop A Winners Attitude Is your attitude in line with success? Or do you have an attitude that almost guarantees failure before you even begin? This is perhaps the most important area to clarify if you indeed want to attain a high degree of success. There is a definitive difference between the attitudes of the successful versus those of the unsuccessful. Developing a "winner's" attitude is one of the most basic ...... Similar Editorial : The Adventure Attitude by Cheryl Perlitz.
80 20 Rule Relationships However, act like the most successful by concentrating on what is of the most importance. Everything else seems to take care of itself when these items are handled... Similar Editorial : The Adventure Attitude by Cheryl Perlitz.
Be A Size 0 What will your corporate culture look like? Are the people in place to make that happen? Are there factors that could cause a major shift in your industry? What are they? How does technology affect y...... Similar Editorial : 10 Business Size Envelope by Pete Grundner. | Source : Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
Big Piece Of Chicken For the most part, it all has been done before. Therefore, instead of reinventing the wheel, just follow the directions for making the wheel. It is much simpler that way... Similar Editorial : A Big Part Of by N. Nabachandra Singh.
Choose Your Adventure Games If you uncover something amiss, make the necessary changes to get in line with your true self. In spite of the opinions of others, it will bring you more joy than you could ever imaging... Similar Editorial : Action And Adventure Games by Jacob Marshal.
Get Value From List See how much more productive that time will become. Remember, getting started and moving forward builds momentum. This has a powerful effect on our overall accomplishments... Similar Editorial : Can You Get Sick From Cold by Donald Saunders.
Live For 100 Years Develop the habit of living your life at 100 beginning with the next activity you do. It will be one of the best strategies you will ever implement... Similar Editorial : 100 Years In Pictures by Art Gib.