Editorials » Technology » Technology

RFID Solutions for Livestock Industry
by GAORFID Technology Solutions Team.It is well known that the adoption of RFID is happening around the globe. But where are the success stories and in which market sectors? One industry that has realized the benefits of RFID technology for several years is the Livestock industry. There...
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RFID Solutions for Healthcare Industry
by GAORFID Technology Solutions Team.Imagine the hospital of the future where unnecessary expenses will be cut and more patient lives will be saved. Say goodbye to the inefficiencies of the old hospital and welcome the new, highly cost-effective system of asset and personnel tracking, p...
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RFID Solutions For Railway Industry
by Zhen Dong.Railroads face a complex set of economic and operational challenges like competitive freight pricing, asset utilization and competition with trucking, capital expenditure levels, industry consolidation and debt management. Technology applications fro...
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RFID Solutions For Field Service
by Zhen Dong.Organizations employing fieldworkers all have business influences such as worker productivity, customer service and cost reduction that flow directly to the bottom line profitability of the business. Commercial and Residential HVAC, Utility Power Gen...
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RFID Solutions For Supply Chain Management
by Zhen Dong.RFID technology is facilitating a major innovation to supply chain management. From an article by John Lorinc in the December, 2006 edition of the Globe & Mail Report on Business Magazine, Every year, according to an expert cited by the Federal Trade...
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Manual Picking Versus RFID Scanning Creates New Labor Skill Sets
by Thomas Cutler.Unlike other staffing organizations, 100% of ProLogistix recruiting efforts are logistics centered. Branch staff is trained in logistics, and they understand the intricacies of the industry. Staff is not spending time testing and interviewing bookkee...
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RFID For Event Access Management
by Zhen Dong.Event management is a rewarding and difficult business. The challenges include event and exhibit design, budgeting, creation of props and decor, security and accounting. One of the key components is processing and managing secure entry of potentially...
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RFID Software guide 101
by Mansi Gupta.RFID is the abbreviated form of Radio Frequency Identification. RFID is akin to the bar codes but in RFID the electro magnetic coupling is used to transmit signals. The main components of an RFID are silicon chips, an antenna and a transceiver that c...
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RFID readers guide
by Mansi Gupta.RFID or Radio Frequency Identification is a constantly evolving technology that has made its foray into our lives from the inner circles of science very rapidly. It is basically one of the automatic identification systems like bar codes, smart cards,...
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RFID in libraries guide
by Mansi Gupta.A technology that was originally developed for the military during World War II, and has now encompassed all walks of life by making its foray into retail, medical, education, automotives, fast food, travel industry, and so on, is RFID or Radio Frequ...
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RFID Technology: A New Revolution
by Diana.RFID technology brings revolution not only in functionality of tracking systems but in healthcare, libraries and field of manufacturing etc. also. Here I give you a brief description about RFID technology, hope it will be helpful for you.Radio Freque...
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Asset Tracking With Rfid Technology
by Diana.RFID technology adds a new chapter in asset tracking technology. Now a day when large amount of valuable data, asset and people are needed for big projects, basic need of effective and efficient tracking system is increasing day by day. In this situa...
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Radio Frequency Identification : What Is RFID
by Gary Randall.Among the uses of radio frequency identification (RFID) are efficient inventory tracking in the supply chain, providing real-time in-transit visibility (ITV), and monitoring general enterprise assets. In addition, RFID is heralded as a technology tha...
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RFID Applications: Determining the Total Cost of Ownership
by Gary Randall.Determining the cost of deploying and maintaining a radio frequency identification (RFID) application is not a trivial matter, as the magnitude of your investment will depend on several factors that may or may not influence the cost of other componen...
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Dod RFID Compliance Mandate
by Gary Randall.In January 2005, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) issued a mandate to its suppliers that each item sold to them must be marked with a passive radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. The need for this mandate arose from decades of logistical ch...
Similar Editorials : RFID Tags

Passive RFID Tags Vs. Active RFID Tags
by Gary Randall.An RFID tag is a small device that can be attached to or incorporated into a product and transmit data to a reader using radio waves. RFID tags have antennas that allow them to receive and respond to radio-frequency queries from an RFID transceiver. ...
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Gen-2 RFID Tags
by Gary Randall.If your company is required to comply with an RFID mandate set forth by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or Wal-Mart, you must do so by following EPC (electronic product code) standards. EPCglobal is the authority on how radio frequency identific...

RFID Slap-and-ship Applications
by Gary Randall.Typically, designing and deploying radio frequency identification (RFID) applications is a lengthy and detailed process requiring input from specialists in multiple fields. Consequently, many small to medium-sized businesses intrigued by the technolo...
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No Privacy Left... RFID - You Wont Hide
by Michal Lepiarz.RFID solutions allow to control not only certain zones or areas (e.g. border zone, airports), but also enable remote scanning of the embedded and dynamic data, get access to information on the people and their relocations, and can provide control aut...
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What is RFID and how will it help me?
by Vince Ohare.You have or are about to own a RFID tag and you don't even know it. If you have an EZ pass in your car that automatically pays the toll when you go past then you have a RFID tag. Wow thats cool is what you are probably saying but that is just one of ...
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