Well, introduce affiliate marketing as you like it! Be it the new money making cow of the World Wide Web’s audiences or the trend setter for flooding traffic/ business to a site, this emerging concept has swept one-and-all off the feet!
You’ve invested your time and labour into building up a site! A proud owner indeed! But what if the very same site turns into the hen that gives you golden eggs! No it’s not too good to be true, with relationship marketing around the corner!
Emerging as an alternative marketing practice affiliate marketing not only helps market a product online but also allows a publisher to earn money out of his regular website, while a publisher could be anybody having a website and is willing to advertise the links and banners of a merchant on his site.
This lets the merchant cash on the traffic of a publisher and the affiliate earns good revenue out of his inventory-his site! Creative and brilliant in concept, it lets site co exists and work for in tandem to earn profits for themselves while they serve the other!
In the midst of the soaring Affiliate Revenue’s and the concept getting popular with people from different segments of the organized hierarchy of net demography, Affiliate marketing is giving way to scores of online affiliate networks promoting businesses and earning profits in more ways than one.
As a business module, functionally these affiliate networks serve as an intermediary between willing publishers (advertisers) and merchants (product owner) to facilitate associate marketing.
However in the entire cacophony of success stories, affiliate revenue and testimonials, it remains imperative for merchants and affiliates both, to make sure of the following aspects from any associate marketing lioniser like the several online affiliate networks to guard their own interests.
Hence when deciding on an online ad affiliate program or a network, keep in mid point like:
How does the merchant pay the publisher? While in the case of a network, it is the network which acts as an intermediary and corresponds all the dealings including the money. An amount is charged form the merchant, a portion of which is taken as commission by the network after which the network pays the affiliate (a decided sum of money).
Industry standards testify Pay pal as the most common and reliable choice, however other options like cheque etc. are also available. It is best to make a decision owing to your own financial requirement.
What all tools are being used for tracking leads etc?
This style of associate marketing in a purely ‘pay-on-performance’ based set-up hence make sure the network provides robust tracking tools that keep a record of all leads and sales generations done in every programme.
Hence to make a money maker out of your floating inventory- your website, follow just a few small do’s and don’ts and you can walk your way to making good money out of good Internet practices, the online affiliate marketing practise!