Making Your Own Delicious Latte Coffee |
When many of us get out of bed in the morning, after going through our toiletry routines, the next thing that comes into our head is a nice fresh cup of. you guess right, coffee! Its like we can perceive the aroma as it invites us from the kitchen, or, to acknowledge the evolving society, the drive through. The craze across the country now is about latte coffee, and the appeal cuts across both gender. So it is safe to conclude that we are in a new java epoch. Though when I was growing up the drip pot was the favorite of my parents, I promised myself I must get an espresso machine no matter what, and I can proudly say it is now resting on my kitchen counter. This has made me to afford the luxury of being able to sit back and relaxed with an iced vanilla latte coffee any time I want it. You surprised about the vanilla bit? well it happens to be my favorite, and I guess we all have one when it comes to caffeinated beverage flavors. Can you let us in on your favorite latte coffee? Are you a regular feature at the local drive thru coffee joint? And how frequent do you pass their line around daily, once, or twice? Regardless of your response it is obvious you are spending considerable money at this joint. Don't get me wrong, cos I am not saying you should quit drinking coffee or never derive pleasure from a fresh latte coffee again, far from it. My point is you should consider the huge sums you spend on fancy coffee drinks, because most latte coffees cost about $3 or $5 a cup, and a single cup daily translates to about $20 per week, which is an average of $80 every month. I will let you figure out your annual bill for latte coffee by yourself. I bet you will be tempted to go marching down the coffee house demanding all your money back. There is no point crying over spilled milk, rather you should start planning how to prepare your own latte coffee right inside your home. And what you need to make this a reality is an espresso machine, which fortunately is very available in different forms in the market. When you get this done, it is then you can start fantasizing about the flavors for your latte coffee. It all depend on your preference, whether you like your coffee iced or steaming hot. Everyone likes their java prepared in different ways. It is the reason why the coffee beverage industry is experiencing a boom. You can up the ante by going online and search for the coffee joints in your locality, or you can browse the net for espresso machines and high quality beans across the planet.