Designing a Website Correctly

By: Munish Dev Rathee

The world wide ventures are realizing the importance of going global by the help of internet. Websites plays significant role in advertising a business and its products and boosting online business. Websites are planned keeping the consumer in mind, because they are the one who is going to pay money for the manufactured goods.

Notable irregularity for a customer friendly website:

1. Slow download

2. Confusing design and architecture

3. Irrelevant and confusing matter.

These factors will have an effect on the company, since the visitors don't wait for hour long for website to download. Visitors don't have the time to go through the hazy and puzzling navigation nor would they go throughout the content which is of no use to them.

The Plus points for a visitor friendly website

Plan the site with the customer in mind: Imagine how your customers (existing and prospects) will use your site. Think about their reasons for visiting and their needs.

Have clear goals: What is the aim of your web site? What products or services you wish to sell? Target audience? The answers to all these will give you the clear-cut idea of

how to do about the website.

Design: Simple and easy are two main things to be kept in mind while Designing a website. Certain aspects in designing the website to be kept in mind are do not upload heavy graphics (large download time), use the look that is pleasing to the eyes, layouts, colors, and graphics which speaks the kind of company you are. Consistency in design throughout the website is main. If you are having the brand logo blends it with your design on your site and will help in boosting the traffic to your site.

Easy Navigation: Navigation should be easily understood by customer. The links should be self explanatory. The navigational links should be thoroughly tested and regularly


Page size: Maintain the page size for the download to be faster.

Content: Content is king that should be kept in mind. It should be relevant, should provide all the information. Good content also increase your page rank. Sites containing good and relevant content which is updated always get indexed by search engines.

Make the site more interactive in terms of visitor. Ask for their comments as well as acknowledge the comments. Keep the visitor updated with all the information about the

site like when it is getting updated etc. Reply to the customer queries. Provide them with help page, terms and conditions, privacy policies etc.

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