How to Get Creative With Old Printer Cartridges

By: Brenda Stokes

When you finish with a printer cartridge you may be temped to throw it away or recycle it using a printer cartridge recycling service provider. For you creative people out there, here are some other ways that you can put your used printer cartridge to better use in your home!

Use your Old Printer Cartridges to Make an Ash Try

For all you smokers out there, why buy an ashtray when you can make one from a used printer cartridge? Just make sure that you place a layer of tinfoil inside so that you do not end up with an ashtray with a propensity to go on fire!

Use your Old Printer Cartridges to Make a Piggy Bank

If you are always throwing away or losing your lose change, then why not make a piggy bank from old printer ink cartridges and save up until you have enough to buy something nice? You can use a knife to carve a hole big enough to fit coins and if you are feeling really creative you could make a sliding drawer to remove your money!

Use your Old Printer Cartridges to Make a Plant Pot

Those of us that like to do our bit for the environment may want to have plants in their home in order to counteract our consumption of oxygen. What better way to do that than in an environmentally friendly way through storing your plant in a plant pot made from a selection of used ? Remember to place holes in the bottom to ensure that excess water can escape so that you don't drown the plants.

Use your Old Printer Cartridge to Make a Picture Frame

Everyone knows that picture frames can be expensive, however they do not have to be when you use an to make one! From some pictures available online you can see that some creative people even use paper Mache to build interesting shapes around the core photo frame which is made using cartridges.

Use your Old Printer Cartridge to Make a Bread Basket

If you are keeping your bread inside a standard wooden or even chrome bread basket then the chances are that you're behind with the times! Why not consider making a bread basket with instead? With so many choices and means by which to achieve this, you can really get creative and customize it to your preferences using a variety of means.

Use your Old Printer Cartridge to Make an Aquarium

Do you ever consider that life must be pretty dull for your fish with little to see or explore? If so, then why not make them a brand new fish tank using used print cartridges? Not only that, it is also possible to make under water accessories using printer cartridges such as tunnels and pathways which create even more hours of fun for your pet fish. Remember, this is your opportunity to express yourself, so be creative!


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