The only choice for
high-security card applications
Fargo HDP 600 PRINTER uses Fargo’s patented High Definition Printing™ (HDP?) technologySophisticated but not complicated:
HDP 600sets new standards for user-friendliness and reliability. That’s why it’s themost dependable choice for security-conscious organizations.The HDP 600 is the only card printer/encoder that canconsistently and perfectly print, encode and laminate
technology-richID cards.With High Definition Printing, there’s neverany contact between the printhead and card.Instead, the HDP 600 prints images onto the underside of the HDP Film, which isthen fused flush to the card through heat and pressure.Embedded electronics like smart chips andproximity coils cause hard-to-print ridges and indentations on the surface ofcards. Because the HDP 600 prints on an HDP Film instead of directly on thecard, it prints consistently over surface irregularities — without damaging theembedded electronics or the printhead.Fargo’s High Definition printer/encoders can easily print tothe edge of a smart chip.The HDP 600 prints and encodes/ reads up to threedifferent technologies (including contact smartcards, contactless smart cards and proximity cards), plus a magneticstripe all within a single card.The HDP 600 eliminates that worry by letting you print andencode high-security cards in one pass.It’s Cost effective: Add lamination orencoding modules to your HDP 600 as your needs grow instead of having topurchase a new printer.HDP Print head has a lifetime warranty if Fargo Certified Supplies are used.Display: User-friendly SmartScreen™ LCDtells you what buttons to press, when to load supplies and keeps you up tospeed on your print job.RibbonTraq™ bar codes help theprinter/encoder quickly and accurately calibrate ribbons so your customersdon't have to.
RibbonTraq helps conserve valuable ribbon material and savemoney on suppliesDual Card Hopper: lets you load up to 200identical cards, or print and encode two different types of cardssimultaneously.Reject Card Hopper: The HDP 600automatically routes defective cards into this handy hopper (available onlywith lamination module).Improves efficiency: High-capacity ribbonsand card hoppers (accommodating 200 cards) are ideal for large or batch printjobs. Printing operations can run longer, with fewer interruptions for suppliesrefills.Reduced maintenance costs: A Tape-based CardCleaning System removes dust and debris from cards,improving quality and reducing card waste and ensures long life of printheads.It’s Secure: High Definition Printingtechnology helps prevent card tampering and security breaches.It’s User friendly and ReliableIt’s compatible: The HDP 600 easilyintegrates with existing time & attendance, access control and other photoID applications.Print Area: Over – the - edge on CR-80cardsAccepted Card Types: ABS, PVC, PET, PETG,proximity, smart and magnetic stripe cards, optical memory cardsMemory: 8 MB RAMInterface: USB 1.1 (Optional CentronicsParallel, IEEE 1284 compliant)Lower printing costs with larger ribbon rolls:High-capacity ribbon rolls with igh numbers of color panels and extra resinmaterial result in lower per-print costs.Shorter learning curve with Fargo printerdrivers: Fargo printer/encoder drivers, LCDs and LEDs provide clear

, easyinstruction for new users. Printer/encoder owners can start printing cardsimmediately.