Why Device Drivers are Important to Your Computer

By: Ronald Hudkins

What is a Computer Device Driver? According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "A device driver or software driver is a computer program allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a device. A driver typically communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware is connected. When a calling program invokes a routine in the driver; the driver issues commands to the device. Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program. Drivers are hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the interrupt handling required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware interface."

The Device Driver Purpose "A device driver simplifies programming by acting as a translator between a device and the applications or operating systems that use it. The higher-level code can be written independently of whatever specific hardware device it may control. Every version of a device, such as a printer, requires its own specialized commands. In contrast, most applications access devices (such as sending a file to a printer) by using high-level, generic commands, such as PRINTLN. The driver accepts these generic statements and converts them into the low-level commands required by the device." Wikipedia further explains.

Signs that your drivers aren't working properly include:
- System instability
- Malfunctioning hardware
- Unresponsive hardware
- Computer errors

What You Should Know

Windows comes with a utility that you can use, but it's awkward because; each device must be updated individually. If you're tired of manually updating your device drivers in an effort to keep your computer running at optimum performance, there is a better way. Numerous software developers have created special utilities that automate updating your drivers. These tools are particularly impressive for their ease of use, safety, and features. Some tools stand out for their user-friendliness and diagnostic capabilities. You don't need to be a computer genius to use this software and diagnose and repair hardware issues! These utilities also remove obsolete device drivers and related files which improves system performance and stability. These products scan your computer, identifies all devices, identifies the current device drivers, and searches for the most current device drivers available for your computer configuration. Their ability to Update or install the latest drivers will help with the operating systems compatibility, reliability, and enhance computer performance.

What Can You Do?

The basic first steps to prevent data loss are; keep your system clean and tuned. Make sure to always use official software and up-to-date antivirus solutions. Stable device drivers and quality hardware nearly always guarantees that your system will not crash for no immediately apparent reason.

The More Computer Savvy Can...

Compile a listing of their PC devices and undertake a search of each manufacturer's website for the drivers and software they individually need. Once the latest driver updates are located it is very important to follow any recommendations or directions provided by any hardware or software manufacturer before updating device drivers. You should know, manufacturers usually only publish driver updates every few months as a general rule and that updates for hardware drivers are not published as frequently as other software updates.

The Newbie or Not So Technically Inclined Can...

Save yourself the stress, aggravation or confusion and do an Internet search for software special utilities that automate updating your drivers that are specifically designed to locate the appropriate drivers or, driver updates needed to keep your operating system updated and optimized. Specific Tool software provides the following benefits to solve your computer driver ills:

- The tool software data base likely contains over 30,000 drivers for pieces of PC hardware & peripherals!

- You get - One-Click Driver Install & Fix

- The tool Finds & Repairs Driver Conflicts

- Provides the ability for Advanced Diagnostics for 'Unknown' Error Messages

- Most of these tools have Complete Driver Backup & Restore

- Support normally provided for All PC Manufacturers including: Dell, HP, Compaq, Acer, Gateway, Intel, Asus, IBM, Lenovo & More

- Custom PC Driver Restore Package Creation

- Unlock Advanced NVIDIA Driver Settings

- Support for All Sound Cards

- Instant Live Updates

- Wireless WIFI LAN Driver Update & Repair

- No Need to Call Technical Support or Hunt for CDs!


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