Econometrics Solutions


Limdep is an integrated program that is unsurpassed in the breadth and variety of its estimation tools for estimation and analysis of linear and nonlinear models with cross section, time series and panel data.
LIMDEP has long been a leader in the field of econometric analysis. Recognized for years as the standard for the estimation of limited and qualitative dependent variable models, LIMDEP 8.0 is unsurpassed in the breadth and variety of its estimation models. No other program offers a wider range of regression, panel data, survival, frontier, discrete and count data, and single and multiple equation linear and nonlinear models - over 100 fully automated estimation models. LIMDEP is a true state-of-the-art program that is now used for teaching and research at thousands of sites in universities, government and private research institutions in the U.S.

and throughout the world.
NLOGIT 4.0 is an extension of LIMDEP that provides programs for estimation, model simulation and analysis of multinomial choice data, such as brand choice, transportation mode, and all manner of survey and market data in which consumers choose among a set of competing alternatives. NLOGIT has become the premier package for estimation and simulation of multinomial discrete choice models.

Shazam- Comprehensive Econometric Software

Easy-to-use, comprehensive programmable software package for econometrics. The primary strength of Shazam lies in the estimation & testing of many types of regression models.
Features include ARIMA, Probit, Logit, Tobit, 2 and 3SLS, regression with time varying coefficients, non parametric methods, linear/non-linear hypothesis testing with confidence interval calculations, Auto-correlation, Principal Components Analysis, Factor, Matrix, handling many tests, Monte-Carlo, maximum likelihood, GNUPLOT for high quality Graphics.
SHAZAM is a comprehensive computer program for econometricians, statisticians, biometricians, sociometricians, psychometricians, politicometricians and others who use statistical techniques. The primary strength of SHAZAM is for the estimation and testing of many types of regression models. The SHAZAM command language has great flexibility and provides capabilities for programming procedures. SHAZAM has an interface to the GNUPLOT package for high quality graphics.


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