Build Your Own Website

By: Robertobeiro
Back in the early 90's, when the internet was in its infancy, there were very few people who had the HTML knowlegde and capabilty to build a website. The internet was a world ruled by nerds and programmers.

Dreamweaver had not been invented yet, so building websites took a huge amount of time and effort. It was not something to be entered into lightly as it it was a very challenging for the inexperienced.

The opposite is true today. Anyone can create their very own site, and for the internet publisher or marketer it's a must. Things like blogging are very popular nowadays too.

If you want to keep up with the times, learning to build your own website is a must. This is easy now. With the introduction of sites like My Space and Live Journal, it's so simple that anyone can do it.

I have to admit that, I only recently built my first website. I had told myself that making a website was a waste of time - and there were more important things to do with my precious time. In truth, however, I was a little bit frightened. I knew so many experts out there who had made some very incredible websites, and I knew that mine would pale in comparison.

And my first website was that great, if I am honest. I didn't know how to build a professional site, but I gave it a go anyway.

It didn't take long for me to get used to building website. It became pretty staright forward. In under half an hour I could make a website with basic functionality and articles. I found lots of free web hosting sites out there to uploade my pages to.

If building a website is something you would like to try, it isn't to difficult. It's also a great way to meet new people online and perhaps make new friends.
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