Isometric Exercise DVDs

By: isobreathing
How long does it take you to drive to the gym? To psych yourself up to go after a day at the office solving other people's problems, shuttling your kids around, or just worrying about your children and, if you're blessed, grandchildren? If you're like most of us, I'll bet it's more than ten minutes each. How much time do you spend taking care of yourself? I'll wager less than ten minutes. The stress, the tension, the exhaustion takes its toll on your mind and your body. At the end of the day, who do you see in the mirror?

You may ask, how does this relate to Isometric Exercise? Odds are, you never made it to the gym, you didn't get any exercise, and you ate on the run, and the mirror is not your friend. The DVD player is your friend. It's your escape to another world. Let it be the escape into your new world. Isometric Exercise will teach you to take ten minutes in your day and regain everything you have just spent, or spent ten minutes thinking about spending, and translate it into energy, flexibility and strength, and, in a low impact manner, combined with the correct breathing, help you reduce weight, inches and stress.

Isometric Exercise involves contracting muscles without shortening the angle of the joint. "Isometric" combines the prefix "iso" (same) with "metric" (distance); in these exercises the length of the muscle does not change. Meaning what? Meaning you expend energy, thereby burning calories, by holding the contraction.

Slow, rhythmic breathing, as in yoga, permeates your body with much needed oxygen, producing low impact effective workout without the heavy breathing of aerobics.

Walking, biking, etc., help, if it's right for you, but no need to push. No ride to the gym, no expensive equipment, no trendy outfits. No angst; just you, alone, with the mirror that within a week will become your friend. The mirror will help you maintain correct positioning for stretching and exercise. You can see and feel results in days, and lose pounds and inches within a week

Isometric exercise will allow you, in less time than to takes to watch a movie, to take control of your life and self-image. Whether you are ten pounds, thirty pounds or two hundred pounds from you goal, staying with the program, which takes less time than making your shopping list, will increase your vitality, and decrease your body fat.

These still simple weight loss exercises actually reduce your workout time by combining techniques. Most of this can be done in a chair, or on your carpet. Do you have special needs? You can still take advantage of isometric exercise. A specialized trainer can help you tailor the techniques to your situation - whatever your situation. For less than the cost of one month in most gyms you can learn isometric exercise in the comfort of your home and you can become the person you want be, and turn some heads in the process. Invest in yourself.
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